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For those old women with grizzled locks escaping from a cotton handkerchief wound bandwise about their heads, their ample forms untrammelled by the flowing garment of calico, those girls in bright skirts and white short-sleeved smock and young hair braided, knew all the news of the country, past and to come, many hours in advance of the dons and doñas whose linen they washed in the great stone tubs: the Indians, domestic and roving, were their faithful friends.

First the carriage, then Alvarado and myself, followed by the sponsors, the Castros, the members of the Departmental Junta and their wives, then the caballeros and the doñas, the old people and the Americans; the populace trudging gayly in the rear, keeping good pace with the riders, who were held in check by a fragment of pulp too young to be jolted.

But it grieves me to think that even hospitality could make thee false." When they ascended the steps, not a woman was to be seen; all had followed Prudencia to her chamber to see the donas of the groom, which had arrived that day from Mexico.

'So! she say, 'my rich and generous and ardent bridegroom, he forget the smocks of the donas. He proclaim as if by a poster on the streets that he will be a bad husband, a thoughtless, careless, indifferent husband. He has vow by the stars that he adore me. He has serenade beneath my window until I have beg for mercy. He persecute my mother. And now he flings the insult of insults in my teeth.

"Well! Such a donas. Ay, he is a generous lover. A yellow crepe shawl embroidered with red roses. A white one with embroidery so thick it can stand up. A string of pearls from Baja California. A big chain of California gold. A set of topaz with pearls all round. A rosary of amethyst purple like the violets. A big pin painted with the Ascension, and diamonds all round. Silks and satins for gowns.

The selection was an admirable one, and a rancho would not have pleased her as well. She looked tranquil, but less amiable than was her wont. "Thou hast been far away from the caballeros and the doñas of Monterey," I said. "Not even among Spanish ghosts." "I think thou carest at heart for nothing but thy books." "And a few people, and my religion."

A trustworthy messenger was sent to Monterey for "custom-house paper," on which to draw up a formal declaration of the affair. The archbishop was summoned from San Luis, and Don Victor and Don Vincente Sepulvida, with the Donas Carmen and Inez Alvarado, and a former alcalde, gathered at a family council the next day.

"And who may Don Wan be, sir, pray? We are sent here to look after Dons and Donas, you know." "Don Wan is a Cuban merchant, and deals in such articles as he wants.

They turned the Spanish play-world up side down and put work on top. Roam through the Governor's Palace! Call up the old gay life! We undoubtedly handle more money than the Spanish dons and doñas of the old days; but frankly which stand for the more joy out of life; those laughing philosophers, or we modern work-demons?

At vesper call, men, women and children dropped to knees; and for a moment silence fell, all but the calling of the vesper bells. Then the bells ceased ringing, and life went on in its noisy stream. No account of the Governor's Palace would be complete without some mention of the marvels of dress among the dons and doñas of the old régime.