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It contained only a writing-table, two simple chairs, a straight-backed divan covered with leather, and a large chest of black oak bound with ornamented steel work. The window was curtained with dark stuff, and two wax candles burned steadily beside the writing-materials that were spread out ready for use.

Virginia, who had listened in growing anger and astonishment, unable longer to refrain from defending the dignity of her usually autocratic father, although he seemed little disposed to defend himself, now intervened from her dark corner on the divan. "Is the journey then so long, sir," she asked composedly, "that it at once inspires such anticipations and such bitterness?"

Immediately I was seated beside her on a small divan upon which there was room for only one and a half persons, and my stupidity was called into vigorous action. "I suppose you have spent the day in translating a lot of those long and tiresome French documents for the General and the Governor.

On each divan they had spread a rug, garded with gold and fit for a king, and in the midst of the shop stood a third seat of still greater elegance, even as the case required. Taj el Mulouk sat down on one couch and Aziz on another, whilst the Vizier seated himself on that in the centre, and the servants stood before them.

Then, without waiting for dessert, he rose to go to his sister's apartments. But Iras urged him to rest on the divan in the adjoining room, and he yielded.

Her new German friend volunteered to supply the necessary gum, outfit, and to provide an apartment where she might safely indulge in smoking. She declined at first. But finally, on Mollie Gretna's return from France, where she had been acting as a nurse, Rita and Mollie accepted the suave alien's invitation to spend an evening in his private opium divan.

He thought her voice was changed. She rose and swept her silken morning-gown between the chairs and tables till she reached a deep divan on the other side of the room. There she sat down. "Come and sit beside me," she said, kindly, and he obeyed in silence. "Do you know what would have happened," she continued, when he was seated, "if you had left me just now?

'Every drop of his blood, exclaimed the leader of the strange Arabs, 'is worth ten thousand piastres. Plans for Rescue THERE is Besso? said Barizy of the Tower, as the Consul Pasqualigo entered the divan of the merchant, about ten days after the departure of Tancred from Jerusalem for Mount Sinai. 'Where is Besso? I have already smoked two chibouques, and no one has entered except yourself.

It is cowardly, absurd, ridiculous I realize it; but my love is stronger than my reason or my will. I love her madly, passionately; I cannot tear her from my heart!" So speaking, he sank sobbing on to the divan again.

He points out that the early sultans had their "Divan," or assemblage of high officials, meeting regularly to give the sultan information and advice, while more recently there have been a Council of State and a Council of Ministers. Also, there were the parliaments of 1877 and 1878. Abortive though these were and followed by Hamidian absolutism, they were legal precedents, never forgotten.