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Killed at first shot from the tree ..... 3 At the second shot ...................... 2 By Friday in the boat ................... 2 Ditto of those first wounded ............ 2 Ditto in the wood ....................... 1 By the Spaniard ......................... 3 Killed or died of their wounds .......... 4 Escaped in the boat, whereof one wounded, if not slain ......................... 4 Total 21

You never seed a small man that did'nt wear high heel boots, and a high, crowned bat, and that war'nt ready to fight most any one, to show he was a man every inch of him. I met a member the other day, who swaggered near about as large as Uncle Peleg. He looked as if he thought you could'nt find his "ditto" any where. He used some most particular educational words, genuine jaw-breakers.

Well, the answer to this question may be, as I have said, not very readily discovered; but if you watch Master Ditto carefully, and make up your mind, you will get at the bottom of the mystery, you will find that it is this very "ordinary" manner about him to which you object. The fellow is dull he is unoriginal.

There is nothing much more to tell except that a horse stood on his fore legs in the Bois the other day and chucked me into space. I was very sore but I went on going about as it was the Varnishing day at the new salon and I wished to see it. I am over my stiffness now and if "anybody wants to buy a blooming bus" I have one for sale and five pairs of riding breeches and two of ditto boots.

If it was not for the look of things, I would be turning handsprings on the campus." "Ditto," added Sam. "Well, come on," said Songbird. And a few minutes later the four students were down at the boathouse, getting out one of the four-oared boats. "Say, Songbird, I should think this would put you in the rhyming fever," said Sam, as the four lads rowed out on the river.

The contrast between her really fashionable air and manners and that of the strugglers and imitators struck me much: Lady Elizabeth Whitbread is, in one word, delightful. Miss Fox very agreeable converses at once, without preface or commonplace: Lady Charlotte Lindsay ditto: Lady Darnley has been very polite in her attentions: both Lord and Lady Hardwicke peculiarly gracious.

Whether Laihova overheard the whisper or not we cannot tell, but he stopped at that moment, purchased a large quantity of the tempting fruit, and handed it, without a word, to his friends, who received it with becoming gratitude. "You's a trump, Hovey," said the negro, as he put a whole peach into his capacious mouth. "Ditto," said Hockins, performing the same feat with a banana.

To all of which remarks Nan gave her assent; the hop-pole took the likeness of a tall figure she had seen in the porch, the sage-bed, curiously enough, suggested a strawberry ditto, the lettuce vividly reminded her of certain vegetable productions a basket had brought, and the bobolink only sung in his cheeriest voice, "Go home, go home! he is there!"

In the space of three days, behold me dressed in the fashionable costume of the period blue coat, broad yellow buttons, yellow waistcoat with ditto, white corduroy continuations, tied with several strings at the knees, and topped boots. It was in the reign of the "bloods" and the "ruffians," more ferocious species of coxcombs than our dandies, and much more annoying.

House in the Rue de Postes, worth about 500,000 One in the Rue de Sevres, estimated at 300,000 Farm, two leagues from Paris . . . . .150,000 House and church at Bourges . . . . . 100,000 Notre Dame de Liesse, donation in 1843 60,000 Saint Acheul, House for Novitiates . . 400,000 Nantes, a house . . . . . . . . . . .100,000 Quimper, ditto . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000 Laval, house and church . . . . . . 150,000 Rennes, a house . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 Vannes, ditto . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 Metz, ditto . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000 Strasbourg . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,000 Rouen, ditto . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000