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No, the surgeon does not consult God, but resorts to his own knowledge and skill to save a human life. The diphtheritic child who is strangling to death with a diphtheritic membrane in its throat is not permitted by the physician to be left to the benevolent being's will, nor to the prayers of the parents.

I dwell on the difference between the two: the first which has been called false croup, or better catarrhal croup, and the second called true croup, or diphtheritic croup, in order to save much needless apprehension to parents, in whose mind the croupy sound is invariably associated with nothing short of that most dangerous disease diphtheria.

I have no doubt he is happy now, with his poor little throat in a state " she dropped her voice as her brother came in, and Mark let us know that, as a matter of course, Mrs. Ambient would not appear. It was true that Dolcino had developed diphtheritic symptoms, but he was quiet for the present, and his mother was earnestly watching him.

Quarantined upstairs for weeks at a time with their inflammable, diphtheritic bridegrooms while they sit down stairs brooding over their wedding teaspoons! Hiked off indefinitely to Atlantic City with their gouty bachelor uncles! Hearing their own innocent little sisters' blood-curdling deathbed deliriums!

The diphtheritic process may spread from the pharynx to the nasal cavities, causing blocking of the nares, with a profuse ichorous discharge from the nostrils, and sometimes severe epistaxis. The infection may spread along the nasal duct to the conjunctiva. The lymph glands behind the angle of the jaw enlarge and become tender, and may suppurate from superadded infection.

The first read like this: CALVIN S. WISE, The People's Drug Store, 28 Broad Street, Brockboro, Mass.: Send package 1,500 units Diphtheritic Serum marked with my name to station. Hand to Conductor Mills, Cape Cod express. Train will wait. Matter life and death. The second telegram was to Conductor Mills. It read: Hold train Brockboro to await arrival C. A. Wise. Great personal favor.

"No, that won't do. Suffer little children to come unto me. Oh, no, no." The door opened and Lizzie came out, tears-running down her cheeks. Lydia flew to her. "They say I got to tell you. Diphtheritic croup her lungs is full no hope." Lydia struck the kind old hand from her shoulder and dashed out of the house.

It is, as a rule, widely distributed throughout the peripheral nerves, but the distribution frequently varies with the cause the alcoholic form, for example, mainly affecting the legs, the diphtheritic form the soft palate and pharynx, and that associated with lead poisoning the forearms.

This infectious disease of poultry is especially common in chickens. It is characterized by a catarrhal and diphtheritic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the head. The specific cause of roup has not been determined. The disease-producing germs are present in the discharges from the nostrils, eyes and mouth, and the body excretions of sick birds.

I cannot believe it! Bertha, in her expiring effort for breath, had raised upon her knees in bed, when suddenly, as in the other case, she raised her hands, her face illumined with the 'light that is not seen upon sea or land, and she said in a strong, clear whisper for her vocal cords were so involved in the diphtheritic membranes that her voice was gone completely 'O mamma!