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Updated: August 18, 2024

"One condemned of the tribunals may merit his fate." "I am the ghostly adviser of the unhappy youth, and in the execution of my sacred office I have learned that he is innocent." "Didst thou say, condemned of the common judges-father?" "Sentenced to die, highness, by a decree of the criminal tribunals." The prince appeared relieved.

Verily, she is a champion of the field of true understanding. To this the Tongue of Truth beareth witness from His exalted Station. O My leaf, blessed art thou for having responded to My call when it was raised in the name of the True One. Thou didst recognize My Revelation when men of renown were immersed in manifest idle fancies. Thou hast verily attained the mercy of thy Lord time and again.

If thou didst ever see a hand cut off, or a foot, or a head, lying anywhere apart from the rest of the body, such does a man make himself, as far as he can, who is not content with what happens, and separates himself from others, or does anything unsocial.

O Thou, whom I had lost!... Why didst Thou abandon me?" "To fulfil My task, that thou didst abandon." "What task?" "My fight." "What need hast Thou to fight? Art Thou not master of all?" "I am not the master." "Art Thou not All that Is?" "I am not all that is. I am Life fighting Nothingness. I am not Nothingness, I am the Fire which burns in the Night. I am not the Night.

Still, thou art a mighty man, and I shall love thee as well with one eye as with two. Oh! Eric, methought I should have died yesterday when thou didst leap from Wolf's Fang! My heart seemed to stop within me." "Yet I came safely to shore, sweetheart, and well does this kiss pay for all I did.

And I said slowly: Thou knowest only too well, for if thou art not her equal, thou art at least her familiar. And now, then, cheat me not: since the matter is to me one of life or death. Am I thy enemy, or art thou mine? Was it not only the other day that thou didst kiss me of thy own accord, as I have sat, these last two days, hoping against hope for thee to come and do again?

The day was when I did not keep myself in readiness for thee; and entering my heart unbidden even as one of the common crowd, unknown to me, my king, thou didst press the signet of eternity upon many a fleeting moment of my life.

"With thy caresses thou didst dry my tears; thy smile was like that of thy mother, and thy beautiful features reminded me of her, and in thee I found her again. But to-day, alas! I have lost you both. What a void! Oh, God! what a solitude! Oh! I ought to die in this room which is the depository of all my misfortunes.

Per Dominum ..." Translation-"Almighty and merciful God Who inflaming blessed Jane Frances with love, didst endow her with a marvellous fortitude of spirit to pursue the way of perfection In all the paths of life, and wast pleased through her to enrich Thy Church with a new offspring, grant by her merits and intercession that we, who, knowing our own weakness, trust in Thy strength, may by the help of Thy heavenly grace overcome all things that oppose us.

With many cloudy relapses there was a suspicion of dawn, although a rainy one most likely, on his far horizon. 'Dost thou really believe, Dorothy, he asked one day, 'that a man ever did love his enemy? Didst thou ever know one who did? 'I cannot say I ever did, returned Dorothy. 'I have however seen few that were enemies.

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