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I took the chair, and Charmion, throwing back the gnat-gauze, sat herself upon the bed before me. "Knowest thou what I heard Cleopatra say as thou didst leave the banqueting-hall?" she asked presently. "Nay, I know not." "She gazed after thee, and, as I went over to her to do some service, she murmured to herself: 'By Serapis, I will make an end!

After they had shown her the Winter-room and had seen her amazement at the glory of the snow-crystals and the mysterious way in which the rainbow colors were hidden in the ice, the Piper nodded his head, and they all turned back and began to retrace their steps. "I suppose thou didst wonder where we had been when thou didst join us, little friend," said the Piper. "I will tell thee.

Thou art He Who by a word of His mouth hath revolutionized the entire creation, and by a stroke of His pen hath divided Thy servants one from another. I bear witness, O my God, that through a word spoken by Thee in this Revelation all created things were made to expire, and through yet another word all such as Thou didst wish were, by Thy grace and bounty, endued with new life.

"But first came the soul of Elpenor, one of my companions who had gone with me to the palace of Circè. We had left him dead in the halls of the goddess, since we had no time to bury him. Now, when I saw him a great pity stirred my heart, and I shed tears and said to him: 'Elpenor, how didst thou come into these dread regions of darkness?

"It cursed the Prince, and King, and all of them," said John with a shudder; "it looked black and deadly, and I crossed myself, and said the Blessed Name, and no doubt it writhed itself and went off in brimstone and smoke, for I shut my eyes, and when I looked up again it was gone!" "Gone! Didst look after him?" "Oh, no!

Just as the knife is about to descend, the dying words of Orestes, 'Was it thus thou didst perish in Aulis, Iphigenia my sister? bring about the inevitable recognition, and the brother and sister rush into each other's arms. But Thoas has yet to be reckoned with.

And there thou wert before me, full of life and ruddy and smiling both lips and eyes; thy raiment clean and clear, thine hands stained with blood: then didst thou take me by my bloody and weary hand, and didst kiss my lips grown ashen pale, and thou saidst 'Come with me. And I strove to go, and might not; so many and sore were my hurts.

By him who sits afar, and by him near unto thee, by the stars this peaceful night, and by the Everlasting who is above the stars, be thou heard a witness testifying! There was a day when thou didst stand open to the children of Israel; for the cave and the dead within it belonged to them. Then Herod built over it, and shut it up, though without excluding the tribes.

Thou didst not take unto Thyself a partner in Thy dominion, nor didst Thou choose a peer for Thyself upon earth. All created things have borne witness unto that which the Tongue of Thy grandeur hath testified ere their creation. Verily Thou art God; there is none other God but Thee!

Thou wilt not miscall thyself again, as they say thou didst a little while agone?" "I pray thee of thy grace believe me, I did but speak the truth, most dread lord; for I am the meanest among thy subjects, being a pauper born, and 'tis by a sore mischance and accident I am here, albeit I was therein nothing blameful. I am but young to die, and thou canst save me with one little word.