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That was how Dibbs became captain of a great iron-clad. Archie Harman did not resign; Dibbs would not let him.

Wherever I went I asked about her, and at last I got upon the track. At Interlaken I found her name in the visitors' book, together with that of a Miss Dibbs, whom I took to be the dragon. I questioned the porter and found that the two ladies had, the afternoon before, hired a carriage and driven to a quiet little village some fifteen miles off, where there was a small but good inn.

She was deadly pale, but full of nerve. They rowed hard to where they could see two men clinging to the yacht; there had been three in it. The two men were not hauled in, for the gale was blowing too hard, but they clung to the rescuing skiff. The girl's brother was not to be seen. Instantly Dibbs dived under the yacht.

"'Whatever you do, it ran, 'don't recognize me. I am WATCHED. As soon as I can I will tell you where to meet me. I knew you would come. "'The darling! I exclaimed. 'She's a girl of spirit. I'll take good care not to betray her. Oh, we'll circumvent old Dibbs between us. "At eight o'clock I went down to the salle a manger. It was quite empty.

"It is of no consequence," said Ella, tossing her head; "we are very comfortable; and though I should like a piano, I am in no haste to procure one." "Lucky you ain't," observed her mother, "as I don't see none runnin' this way. What's the matter, Dibbsy dear?" Dibbs, who was a baby of four years, was sitting on the floor digging both his fists into his eyes.

How can I serve him?’ ‘That’s a good one,’ said the one who first spoke. ‘Where were you born and baptized?’ ‘About the bogs of Ireland,’ replied I, ‘and I was baptized over a bowl of buttermilk and praters by Father Murphy in a stable among a parcel of cows.’ ‘You’ll do,’ said another; ‘have you any dibbs?’ ‘Yes,’ answered I, ‘I have got two shillings and fourpence.’ ‘That will do.

"'I'd a partner, said he, 'a rare good man, as true as a stock to a barrel. He's got the dibbs, he has, and where do you think he is at this moment? Why, he's the chaplain of this ship the chaplain, no less! He came aboard with a black coat and his papers right, and money enough in his box to buy the thing right up from keel to main-truck. The crew are his, body and soul.

""I'd a partner," said he, "a rare good man, as true as a stock to a barrel. He's got the dibbs, he has, and where do you think he is at this moment? Why, he's the chaplain of this ship the chaplain, no less! He came aboard with a black coat, and his papers right, and money enough in his box to buy the thing right up from keel to main-truck. The crew are his, body and soul.

One evening Laura Harman said to Captain Dibbs: "Which would you rather be Admiral of the Fleet or my husband?" Her hand was on his arm at the time. He looked up at her proudly, and laughed slyly. "I mean to be both, dear girl." "You have an incurable ambition," she said. "Oh, nothing matters," she said, with a soft, ironical smile, as she tossed a bit of sugar to the cockatoo.

Several whalers watched the procession until they got the jimjams by force of imagination, and when their bodies began to float down with the bottles, the down-river people got anxious. At last the Mayor of Wilcannia wired Bourke to know whether Dibbs or Parkes was dead, or democracy triumphant, or if not, wherefore the jubilation?