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No sooner was our war with England over than our navy began to make a reputation for itself in the Mediterranean. In his letter of August, 1815, Irving dwells with pride on Decatur's triumph over the Algerine pirates. He had just received a letter from that "worthy little tar, Jack Nicholson," dated on board the Flambeau, off Algiers.

Thrilling as Decatur's feat was, it brought peace no nearer. The Pasha, infuriated by the loss of the Philadelphia, was more exorbitant than ever in his demands. There was nothing for it but to scour the Mediterranean for Tripolitan ships, maintain the blockade so far as weather permitted, and await the opportunity to reduce the city of Tripoli by bombardment. But Tripoli was a hard nut to crack.

In general principle, the great French Admiral Tourville correctly said that the best victories are those which cost least in blood, timber, and iron; but, in the particular instance before us, Decatur's conduct may rest its absolute professional justification on the testimony of the master of the British ship and two of her three lieutenants.

Thorn's? you can't go alone?" "I will make Charlton take me," said Fleda; "or rather I will take him, if he will let me. Will you, Charlton? will you take care of me to Mrs. Decatur's to-morrow night?" "With the greatest pleasure, my dear coz; but I have another engagement in the course of the evening." "Oh, that is nothing," said Fleda; "if you will only go with me, that is all I care for.

An instant later, Decatur's crew rallied to him, killed the pirate captain and drove the remainder of his crew over the side into the sea. At the outbreak of the war of 1812, Decatur was given command of the United States, and on the morning of October 25, overhauled the British frigate Macedonian near the Canary Islands.

The Hornet drew steadily away from the British ship of the line Cornwallis, as she proved to be, and made her way at a leisurely speed to the United States. Captains Carden and Decatur Cruise of the Macedonian Battle with the Frigate United States Decatur's Chivalry.

Thorn was in a very ill humour, and some words passed between them; and Charlton threatened to see him again; and Oh if he does!" said poor Fleda, "that will finish our difficulties! for Charlton is very hot, and I know how it will end how it must end " "Where is your cousin to be found?" "I don't know where he lodges when he is in town." "You did not leave him at Mrs. Decatur's.

Upton, who was evidently holding their attention. "Why, what's up, I wonder? Why do they leave us out, I'd like to know?" and he glanced inquiringly at the girl in soft blue. She flushed consciously and dropped her lashes. When she looked at him again, and rather appealingly, he saw that she had gray eyes. It was Decatur's turn to flush. Could Mrs. Upton have done this deliberately?

"I am sorry for it," said Rossitur after a disturbed pause of some minutes, "I wish you had asked me anything else; but we can't take this thing in the light you do, sir. I wish Thorn had been in any spot of the world but at Mrs. Decatur's last night, or that Fleda hadn't taken me there; but since he was, there is no help for it, I must make him account for his behaviour, to her as well as to me.

"You know I don't mean that," cried Dulce. "They are going to fight because " "Because their country calls them," interrupted Ridge, with energy, "and because every true American endorses Decatur's immortal toast of 'Our Country.