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It was life on the farm that drove me into devising ways and means to better transportation. I was born on July 30, 1863, on a farm at Dearborn, Michigan, and my earliest recollection is that, considering the results, there was too much work on the place. That is the way I still feel about farming. There is a legend that my parents were very poor and that the early days were hard ones.

'T is from Roger Matherson, of whom you have heard me speak." My mother was a good scholar, and she read clearly, only hesitating now and, then over some ill-written or misspelled word. At FORT DEARBORN, near the head of the Great Lake. Twelfth June, 1812.

Also he observed that if this loop did come here its cars, on their return trip along Dearborn Street, would pass by his very door the office of the Press thereby enhancing the value of that property of which he was the owner. "I certainly do, Mr. Haguenin," returned Cowperwood, emphatically, in answer to his query.

I have just learned that General Dearborn states that while 'Tippecanoe' Harrison invades Canada, at Detroit, with 7,000 men I do not think it necessary I should point out Detroit on the map," he added with a smile "and while a United States squadron not a British one, mark you sweeps Lake Ontario from Sackett's Harbour, Dearborn himself will threaten Montreal from Lake Champlain.

Every instant, I expect a policeman to come up and order me to move on. Don't they arrest people for blocking the street?" "Yes, and put them in awful, rat-swarming dungeons over in Dearborn Avenue. Poor Mr. Cable, he should be made to suffer severely for his wretched conduct. The idea of " "Don't you dare to say anything mean about dad," she warned.

"It is indeed long since I have heard the name. Where knew you her?" "I have never known her; but her father was my father's friend, and I sought her because of that friendship." "Here?" "At Fort Dearborn, where she was left an orphan." "How strange! how very strange indeed! 'T is a small world. Elsa Matherson! and at Dearborn?"

He answered, with a smile, 'I shall not take you back again; you ran away from me. Thinking his manner contradicted his words, she did not feel repulsed, but made herself and child ready; and when her former master had seated himself in the open dearborn, she walked towards it, intending to place herself and child in the rear, and go with him.

"She was at Dearborn until very lately, but they tell me now I must seek for her at the Kinzie house. It was for the purpose of marking its position from the Fort that I came up here." For a moment no one of our voices broke the strained silence. I was troubled by this knowledge of a pre-arranged meeting between these two, yet felt it was nothing with which I had a right to interfere.

These will seem like real happenings, whereas the happenings that the Chicago papers print seem like unrealities. This is Dearborn Street now. Dark and cozy. People are no longer decorations but intimate friends. When it is light and one can see the cogs of the monstrous clock go round and the springs unwind one thinks of people as a part of this mechanism.

The turkeys discovered him through the brush and fence and huddled up, with their heads together. He said they were just getting ready to fly. He shot amongst them, with a shot gun, and killed four at once. There are at the present time, 1875, scattering wild turkeys in the town of Dearborn, but they have mostly disappeared. Tame turkeys, in abundance, have long since taken their place.