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Updated: August 11, 2024

They're pleasant folks to have dealin's with, and I've had both of 'em ask me if I cal'lated it was goin' to rain, when I've been goin' by different times, o' course but it 'most knocked the wind out of me when they done it, 'stead of givin' me p'inters.

Then Reverend, he seen that wouldn't work, so he cut it short, and he says wery loud, 'Trust the Lord! Now, ole Adam Oberholzer in his business dealin's and speculatin' was always darned particular who he trusted, still, so he looked up at Reverend, and he says, 'Is he a reliable party? Well, by gum, I bu'st right out laughin'! I hadn't ought to seein' it was Adam's death-bed and Reverend him just sweatin' with tryin' to work in his job to get him conwerted till he passed away a'ready.

"Then comes a lawyer, an honest lawyer too, a real wonder under the sun, as straight as a shingle in all his dealin's. He's so honest he can't bear to hear tell of other lawyers; he writes agin 'em, raves agin 'em, votes agin 'em, they are all rogues but him. He's jist the man to take a case in hand, 'cause HE will see justice done.

"Earn it before you collect it." "Twenty-eight 'd fill a purty fair book, countin' in what I could tell about the men I've had dealin's with," Thorn reflected, as to himself, leaning against the mantel, frowning down at the floor with bent head. "Talk till you're empty, you old fool, and who'll believe you? Huh! you couldn't git yourself hung if you was to try!"

"Well, we rode up on the blind side of the house from the north, see, got off, and sneaked around to the east end of the shack. The windows was covered with cloths on the inside, which didn't make me none too sure about Shaw havin' no dealin's with crooks. It ain't ordinary for a feller to be so savin' on light.

The young man's face was alight with happiness. "Mr. Baines," he said, "I'm grateful to you. I shall marry Selina." "Maybe," said Scattergood. "It runs in my mind you got to have dealin's with Deacon Pettybone, and the deacon always figgers that the news he gits from heaven is fresher and more dependable than what anybody else gits. Might ask him and see."

I'll bet the pair of 'em was trying to get this timber lot away from ye. Don't ye have no dealin's with 'em. Don't want no truck with them kind of cattle, and I'll tell ye right now that if they show their yaller faces 'round here agin, I'll set my Henry on 'em for keeps." Mrs.

"Dreadful! certainly!" I murmured, with intense relief, and allowed my glasses to drop into my lap again. Thus the conversation turned to subjects of a religious nature. "Oh, I think it's so nice to have direct dealin's with the Almighty; don't yew?" said Mrs. Barlow. "Oh, I think it is!

Now, this young Bob is an impulsive cuss, an' if he has any dealin's of a money nature with this sweet-scented porch- climber that's on his trail, you take a tip from Harley P. Hennage, Miss Donnie, an' act as lookout on Bob's game. Miss Donnie, I can tell a crook in the dark. Let a crook try to buck my game an' I have him spotted in a minute. I just feel 'em." "Thank you, Mr. Hennage.

"I expect you knowed that without askin'. I've been wonderin' if it would have made any difference." "How?" "In me. Do you think an education makes a man act different gives him different ideas about his actions in his dealin's with women, for instance?" "I expect it does. Education should make a man more considerate of women it is refining."

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