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Updated: August 28, 2024

Many a frown of fortune had we two weathered out together; in many of her brightest smiles had we two reveled never was there a stauncher friend, a merrier companion, a keener sportsman, or a better fellow, than this said Harry; and here had we two met, three thousand miles from home, after almost ten years of separation, just the same careless, happy, dare-all do-no-goods that we were when we parted in St.

"The Darrells are supposed to have got their name from a knight in the reign of Edward III., who held the lists in a joust victoriously against all comers, and was called, or called himself, John the Dare-all; or, in old spelling, the Der-all.

"There speaks the Dare-all!" said Lionel, laughing. The host did not look displeased. "Where no difficulty, there no pleasure," said he in his curt laconic diction. "I was in Spain two years ago. I had not an English horse there, so I bought that Andalusian jennet. What has served him at need, no /preux chevalier/ would leave to the chance of ill-usage. So the jennet came with me to England.

"No!" said Darrell, with sudden animation. "Before three days are over my mind shall be made up." "Bravo! as to whom of the three you would ask in marriage?" "Or as to the idea of ever marrying again. Adieu, I am going to knock at that door." "Mr. Vyvyan's! Ah, is it so, indeed? Verily, you are a true Dare-all." "Do not be alarmed.

'So I supposed, was the prompt answer. 'Well, what did you think of the Dare-all, as the vicar calls her sometimes? is she not like a pleasant edition of Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy, verbose and full of long sentences? How many words did she coin to-night, do you think? There was a little scorn in the young man's voice.

"Sho! a man might keep jawing till crack o' doom, and not give you any idea of it without you heard it," answered Herb Heal, the dare-all moose-hunter. "The noise begins sort o' gently, like the lowing of a tame cow. It seems, if you're listening to it, to come rolling rolling along the ground.

Miss Hamilton was very intellectual, and read a good deal, and Lady Betty never read anything but novels; they all made a pet of her, even Mr. Hamilton, who was not much given to pets, but she was hardly an influence in the house. 'She has not backbone enough, he finished, 'and the Dare-all rules them all with a rod of iron "cased in velvet."

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