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He listened to what all those about him had to say concerning John Dampier's disappearance, and he carefully went over the ground already covered by Senator Burton and his son.

He caught himself again and again thinking of her as "Nancy;" already his daughter and she were on Christian-name terms with one another; and as for Gerald, he had put everything else aside to devote himself entirely to solving the mystery of John Dampier's disappearance.

Dampier's report of the regions he had visited caused him to be sent out again in 1710 by the British Government, and upon his return, all previous doubts, if any existed, as to the reality of the existence of this continent, were dispelled, and the position of its western shores was well established. Dampier discovered a beautiful flower of the pea family known as the Clianthus Dampierii.

As a side issue the blameless baronet had a little goose to wife, who went to Dampier's Maidenhead bungalow and fell into the river. Elaborate lies to explain quite simple situation to fool anxious to believe the worst. Moral: Never lie to save a little goose. Miss VIOLET VANBRUGH was patently nervous with her part, a little jerky and restless. She needn't have been.

But Gerald Burton, when he heard of the proposed letter to Mrs. Dampier's lawyer, made an abrupt suggestion which both the Senator and Nancy welcomed with eagerness. "Why shouldn't we telephone to this Mr. Stephens?" he asked.

"If I had charge of this business I mean sole charge the first thing I would do would be to have the Hotel Saint Ange searched from top to bottom!" said Gerald vehemently. "Is that Mrs. Dampier's suggestion?" "No, father, it's mine. I had a talk with that boy Jules last night, and I'm convinced he's lying. There's another thing I should like to do.

Dampier's party marched on through jungle, wading across rivers, which took them up to the chest, staggering through swamps and bogs, and clambering over rotten tree trunks, and across thorn brakes. They were wet and wretched and half starved, for their general food was macaw berries.

Some days after Dampier's party sailed, he took a Guayaquil ship, called the San Pedro, which he had taken fourteen months before off Panama. Aboard her he found nearly 40,000 pieces of eight, besides silver bars, and ingots of gold. He also took a great ship called the San Rosario, the richest ship the buccaneers ever captured.

Quite a number of such comfortable English folk were now looking forward to going and seeing Nancy Dampier in her new home of which the very address was quaint and unusual, for Dampier's studio was situated Impasse des Nonnes. They were now speeding under and across the vast embracing shadow of the Opera House. And again Dampier slipped his arm round his young wife.

Why, you and I both know quite well that the Paris police, and also Mr. Stephens, are convinced that this man Dampier just left his wife of his own free will." "I know they think that! But it's a lie!" cried Gerald with blazing eyes. "An infamous lie! I should like to see Mr. Stephens dare suggest such a notion to John Dampier's wife.