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This was to have one of the operators in the central exchange on the watch. As soon as Mrs. Damon's house was in connection with another telephone, the location of the latter would be noted, and another private detective would be sent there. Thus Tom hoped to catch the man at the 'phone. Meanwhile Tom listened to the hoarse voice at the other end of the wire, giving the directions to Mrs. Damon.

Sharp, who brought in another bundle. He referred to an eccentric individual Who had recently made an airship voyage with himself and Tom, Mr. Damon's peculiarity being to use continually such expressions as: "Bless my soul! Bless my liver!" "Well, I'll be glad when we can make a trial trip," went on Tom.

They even looked in at Father Damon's chapel, the dimly lighted fragrant refuge from the world and from sin. Why not? They were interested in the morals of the region. Had not Miss Tavish danced for one of the guilds; and had not Carmen given Father Damon a handsome check in support of his mission?

Damon's special pride, as he was a sort of cook, and he liked nothing better than to get up a meal when the craft was two or three miles high, and scudding along at seventy-five miles an hour. In addition there were to be taken along many scientific instruments, weapons of defense and offense, in addition to the electric rifle, and various other objects which will be spoken of in due time.

Damon's financial trouble, but as for kidnapping him well, you never can tell." They drove on at a breath-catching pace, and it seemed hardly a minute after leaving Mrs. Damon's house before Tom called: "There's the building where the telephone is located." "And now for that rascal Peters!" cried Ned. The airship swooped down, to the great astonishment of some workmen nearby.

Cure then, thou mighty winged God, This raging Fever in my Blood. One golden-pointed Dart take back; But which, O Cupid, wilt thou take? if Damon's, all my hopes are crost: Or, that of my Alexis, I am lost. Enter Dancers, which dance an Antick. Car. Where only thou and I can find an entrance; These dull, these necessary delays of ours Have drawn my Love to an impatient height.

Instead of having a detective take a print of the photo telephone image, and make the arrest, Tom was going to try to capture Peters himself. He believed he could do it. One look at the wet plate was enough. He knew Peters, though it upset some of his theories to learn that it was the promoter who was responsible for Mr. Damon's disappearance.

Damon's friend is getting anxious to make a start, particularly as he has already invested several thousand dollars in the project," went on the young inventor. "He formed a company to pay half the expenses of the search, and they will share in the treasure if we find it," Tom said. "I wish Mr.

Upon inspection, it was found that three half-inch holes had been drilled into each pontoon. It was evident that only an enemy of Tom or of the Swift Company could have done such a thing. "Ned, that proves it!" declared the young inventor gloomily. "Proves what?" Ned asked. "Can't you see? It all ties in with Mr. Damon's so-called relatives, and their knowledge of my formula for a bendable glass.

Sharp was soon at Mr. Damon's side. He saw that the man was unconscious, whether from fright or some injury could not then be determined. There was, however, no sign of a wound. It was no easy task to carry, half dragging it, the heavy body of Mr. Damon off the platform, but the aeronaut was a muscular individual, and long hanging from a trapeze, at great heights, stood him in good stead.