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Updated: August 18, 2024

"You pick out a big one," he says, "and you build a little cupalo up on top of him and climb up into it by means of a ladder, and set there in this little furnished room with a good book, and smoke and pass the time away while your good old saddle elephant does the work.

And with the feelin's I had ever sence I started, I wuz that riz up that I could almost expect to step over the lagoon at one stride and swing my foot clear over the hull noble flight of marble steps, and the wide terrace, and land in front of the Woman's Buildin'. With my head even with its highest cupalo, I wuz fearfully riz up, and by the side of myself.

Yes, within these walls wuz born the great and darin' scheme of Columbus a great birth indeed; only next to us in eternal consequences to the birth in the manger. It stands jest as it ort to, a-facin' the risin' sun. A low, eight-sided cupalo surmounts the choir space inside the chapel, and above the nave rises the balcony.

There's a place where the two ruffs come together that wants somethin', an' it seems to me it's a cupalo somethin' to stan' up over the whole thing, and say to them as comes, 'Hallelujer! We've done a good deal for house-keepin', now let's do somethin' for glory. It's jest like a ribbon on a bonnet, or a blow on a potato-vine. It sets it off, an' makes a kind o' Fourth o' July for it.

He had looked over more'n a dozen, so I hearn, before he could git one he thought wuz healthy enough and splendid enough for her. At last he selected one, standin' on a considerable rise of ground, with big, high, gorgeous rooms, and prices higher than the very topmost cupalo, and loftiest chimbly pot. Here he got two big rooms for The Little Maid, and one for the nurse.

"Dey's powahful oncomfo'table," grumbled Uncle Jonah. He stopped the horses on the top of a little hill and pointed with his whip. "De's de house," he said, "dat big one wid de cupalo." Hortense looked as directed. Below them, at the foot of a steep mountain, was a tall house with a cupola. It was three stories high, old-fashioned, and had high shuttered windows.

The stoop with its "settle," the ladder for posies, at the foot of which the morning-glories were already planted, and the "cupalo," had ceased to be dreams, and become realities. Still, it all seemed a dream to Jim. He waked in the morning in his own room, and wondered whether he were not dreaming.

The following day was one of the severest labor, but when it closed, the heaviest part of the timber had been brought and put up, and when the second day ended, all the timbers were in their place, including those which defined the outlines of Jim's "cupalo."

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