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"Guess what it is, Phil?" cried Madge. The dish was filled with potatoes, brought over from the houseboat larder, and big pieces of a dark, rich looking meat. Phil shook her head. "I can't guess. I'd rather eat," she replied. "It's old 'Marse Terrapin. Don't you remember him in the story of Uncle Remus? Lillian and I found him strolling along the shore. Who says we are not full-fledged Crusoes?"

"I'll run the boat down, Eunice, if you'll go with Edna, and get all the things, cushions and books and luncheon, and don't forget your precious work, Edna," and Cricket skipped off to the dock, while the girls went to the house. "Shall we be the 'Swiss Family Robinson, or 'The Young Crusoes, or shall we be a new set altogether?" asked Cricket, when they were all afloat.

For about a month the Crusoes had been eating very heartily every day and were getting quite fat. It was the same with the animals. Flossy had long ago lost her puppy coat, and was now a bonny whitish-yellow seal, not very large, and with a black saddle on her back.

The harbor fairly swarmed with noisy, shouting, chattering Japanese boatmen. He wondered why they seemed so familiar, until it suddenly dawned on him that their queer ricestraw coats made them look like a swarm of Robinson Crusoes who had just been rescued from their islands. When he landed he found things still funnier. The streets were noisier than the harbor.

They got to living in a world of fantasy, and were never themselves, but always wild Indians, or arctic explorers, or Robinson Crusoes. Kitty and Roderick, young as they were, found a never-ending source of amusement in these little grotesque dreams and dramas. The fund of money was getting so low that Catherine was obliged to economize even in the necessities.

"He is sufficient for himself, and he wants no one!" And thereupon this eccentric individual bowed to William W. Kolderup, landed, and disappeared. "That is the stuff they make real Crusoes of!" observed Uncle Will. "Look at him and see if you are like him! It does not matter, the English race would do no good by absorbing fellows of that stamp!"

A stiff breeze sprang up, and all the clouds and vapours were blown away, the last thing seen being a rainbow in the east. The joy of the Crusoes now knew no bounds. The dogs dashed about, Veevee barked "Wiff!" Briton barked "Wowff!" and Flossy frisked her tail and went off to fish. The children now set out for a stroll, and saw many curious sights.

'He found that the proportion of Robinson Crusoes to Philip Quarlls was as four and a half to one; and that the preponderance of Valentine and Orsons over Goody Two Shoeses was as three and an eighth of the former to half a one of the latter; a comparison of Seven Champions with Simple Simons gave the same result. The ignorance that prevailed, was lamentable.

At this answer the professor gave a bound such as no clown had ever equalled. Crusoes! They! A Crusoe! He! Descendants of that Selkirk who had lived for long years on the island of Juan Fernandez! Imitators of the imaginary heroes of Daniel Defoe and De Wyss whose adventures they had so often read!

We'll be regular Robinson Crusoes," answered Tom. "Why, I can tell you it will be jolly, when we get used to it." "Where will we build our huts?" asked Sam. "We can build them here, if we wish," replied Dick. "But I rather favor the side fronting the other islands." "Yes, that's the best side," said Captain Jerry. "If we build here, a strong storm may knock our huts flat.