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Professor Flick, as he called himself, was dead, and the whole plot was revealed and was over. By a curious stroke of fate it was Ericson who caught the dying Professor Flick as he fainted and died, and it was Hamilton who gripped the murderer, the so-called Copping. Copping made no struggle; the police took quiet charge of him and of his weapon.

Copping, they are rather anxious to be allowed to go on their way. We have taken up some of their valuable time already by bringing them down to this out-of-the-way sort of place. 'Oh, but, Sir Rupert, 'twas so great an honour to us, Mr.

Fallow field and Beckley, without regard to rank, have drawn upon their muscle and science. One of the bold men of Beckley at the wickets is Nick Frim, son of the gamekeeper at Beckley Court; the other is young Tom Copping, son of Squire Copping, of Dox Hall, in the parish of Beckley. Last year, you must know, Fallow field beat.

In any case, it did not seem likely that the man who called himself Andrew J. Copping would give himself any great trouble to interfere with the regular course of justice.

'Yes, the clean-shaven man was Mr. Andrew J. Copping, of Omaha. 'Is he also stopping at the hotel? Miss Paulo asked. 'No. Mr. Wilkins explained. Mr. Copping was apparently for the time a resident of London, and lived, he believed, somewhere in the Camden Town region. But he was very anxious that his friend and compatriot should be comfortable, and that his rooms should be commodious.

And then it strikes me that I get all the dullest and also the most dangerous part of the work put on me, and I don't like that. Copping glanced for a moment at his colleague with eyes from which, according to Carlyle's phrase, 'hell-fire flashed for an instant. Probably he would have very much liked to employ the dagger there and then.

'Yes, that's because Rose would tear along the road to get here in time, after we had left those tiresome Copping people, where she had to make a call. "What a slow little beast your pony is, Dorry!" she said that at least twenty times. 'Oh, you naughty puss! cried Rose. 'Wasn't it, "Rosey, Rosey, I'm sure we shall be too late, and shan't see a thing: do come along as hard as you can"?

'The stranger who invaded Captain Sarrasin's room will have to explain himself, won't he when your police come along? 'The stranger will not explain himself, Sir Rupert said emphatically; 'he is dead. Mr. Copping had much power of self-control, but he did seem to start at this news. 'Great Scott! he exclaimed. 'Then I don't see how you are ever to get at the truth of this story, Sir Rupert.

He was trying to get two names back to his memory, and he felt sure he had much better let events discover and display themselves. 'Still, I don't quite know that I can stay, Professor Flick began to argue. Mr. Copping struck impatiently in: 'Why, of course, Professor Flick, you have just got to stay. We are bound to stay, don't you see?

'We shall get at the whole truth every word never fear, Mrs. Sarrasin said defiantly. 'We shall send for the local magistrates, Sir Rupert said, 'of course. He was anxious, for the moment, to allow no bickerings. 'I am a magistrate myself, but in such a case I should naturally rather leave it to others. I have lost a dear friend by this abominable crime, Mr. Copping.