United States or Guadeloupe ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Mudie would not take thirteen copies of the lot if they were to appear now for the first time unless indeed their royal authorship were to arouse an adventitious interest in them, or unless the author were a rich man who played his cards judiciously with the reviewers.

Your orders I shall punctually attend to; only, by the way, I must tell you that I was paid before for Dr. Moore's and Miss Williams's copies, through the medium of Commissioner Cochrane in this place, but that we can settle when I have the honour of waiting on you. Dr. Smith was just gone to London the morning before I received your letter to him. EDINBURGH, 23rd April 1787.

With regard to §§1, 2 and 3, referring to the agreement upon military and naval undertakings of all four Powers, Italy undertakes to commence active operations at the earliest possible date, and in any case not later than one month after the signing of the present document by the contracting parties. The present agreement, in four copies, signed in London on the 26th April, 1915, and sealed, by

I doubt if in all that entourage there was more than one or two who were familiar with the splendid literature of China and its antiquity. But to come to the "shock." My immediate companion was a lady with just a soupçon of the masculine, who, I was told, was a distinguished novelist, which means that her book had sold to the limit of 30,000 copies.

M. Octave Uzanne, though he had not himself visited Dux, had indeed procured copies of some of the manuscripts, a few of which were published by him in Le Livre, in 1887 and 1889. But with the death of Le Livre in 1889 the 'Casanova inedit' came to an end, and has never, so far as I know, been continued elsewhere.

Poor Hals, he was a good, honest fellow, though sadly given to drink and low company. But for sheer genius he has never had an equal. The vast number of his paintings many of which now only exist in copies shows that with every predilection to ease and comfort, he could not help painting it simply welled out of him. It was a natural gift which seems to have needed no labour and no study.

In another place you found the great collection made in Egypt by Lepsius. The visitor stood within the facsimile of a temple on the banks of the Nile. On the walls and lotus-shaped columns were processions of dark figures at the loom, at the work of irrigation, marching as soldiers, or mourners at funerals, exact copies of the original delineations.

Cobbett's Register alone, at this period, attained a sale of fifty thousand copies a week.

Now the two copies of Letters I and IV, which, at the end of his life, as we shall see, Sprot attested by signed endorsements, were in his ‘course hand.’ He had them ready for customers, when he was arrested in April 1608, and they were doubtless found in his ‘kist’ on the day before his death, with the alleged original of Letter IV. Up to August 11, at a certain hour, Government had neither the alleged original, nor Sprot’s ‘course hand copy’ of Letter IV, otherwise he would not have needed to quote IV from memory, as he did on that occasion.

If, then, we wish to possess casts, copies, or photographs of certain works of art, this is, æsthetically considered, exactly as we wish to have the means railway tickets, permissions for galleries, and so forth of seeing certain pictures or statues as often as we wish.