Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 6, 2024

They never go abroad, "excepting to the Isle of Wight," because they "do not like foreigners." A party of quite charming Americans arrived just before dinner the other day, in an automobile, and kept us lively during their flying visit. They were cordial over the consommé; friendly over the fish; and quite confidential by the time we reached the third course.

Sara Lee, going to a land where the meat was mostly horse and where vegetables were scarce and limited to potatoes, Brussels sprouts and cabbage, found herself the possessor of recipes for making such sick-room dainties as mushroom soup, cream of asparagus, clam broth with whipped cream, and from Mrs. Gregory, the wealthy woman of the church green turtle and consomme.

The Reverend Father even deigned at times to withdraw from his long sleeves his fat, red hand, to give it to the most favored to kiss. The roll-call of the lay brother was almost at an end. There was brought to the cellarer a savory caudle in a silver bowl borne on a tray of the same metal. The Reverend Father swallowed this consommé, a perfect specific against the morning cold and fog.

That this gentleman should order Consommé Anton, the soup of which he alone knew the secret, and which had been named after himself! Truly, the life of a restaurateur was not without compensations. He turned on the waiter but that worthy had darted away to execute the order. The soup appeared.

The butler whispered the wines in the ears of the guests with a confidential tone, and as if he were revealing a secret upon which life depended. At the soup a consommé at the same time mild and stimulating, giving force and youthful vigor to the digestion chat between neighbors began. Undoubtedly these were the merest trifles that were at first so low spoken.

When we sat down in the evening we were confronted with a beautiful water-colour drawing of our winter quarters, with Erebus's gray shadow looming large in the background, from the summit of which a rose-tinted smoke-cloud delicately trended northward, and, standing out from the whole picture a neatly printed tablet which proclaimed the nature of this much-looked-forward-to meal: Consomme Seal.

To clear Consommé with Beef. Consommé is reduced stock, or stock made of extra strength. Carefully remove all fat from three pints of it when cold. It will, of course, be a stiff jelly. Chop fine an onion, a carrot, and a turnip. Chop half a pound of lean beef from which all fat is removed; this is best put through a chopping-machine, as it must be very fine.

'Nothing. 'Then let's have it. I'm hungry. I'm never so hungry as when I'm being seriously idle. 'Consomme Britannia, she began to read out from the menu, 'Saumon d'Ecosse, Sauce Genoise, Aspics de Homard. Oh, heavens! Who wants these horrid messes on a night like this? 'But, Nella, this is the best cooking in Europe, he protested.

He is as keen about the good things of the table as he is about art; in fact, he is a great epicure. As he thought well of the menu, I will copy it for you: Consomme en tasses. Oeufs au fromage a l'Italienne. Petites truites. Cailles au riz. Cotelettes de veau grillees. Viande froide, salade. Brioches a la vanille, fruits, dessert, cafe....

"It's time you knew just what you're up against," said Stanley to me after the consomme had been served. "Now that we've actually sailed, there's no longer any need for secrecy. Indeed there never has been urgent need of it: the Professor and myself merely thought we might provoke incredulity and comment if we stated the purpose of our trip publicly." He buttered a roll.

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