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All manner of things were found in it, so that it was like a frightful /consomme/ of all ailments, a field of cultivation for every kind of poisonous germ, a quintessence of the most dreaded contagious diseases; the miraculous feature of it all being that men should emerge alive from their immersion in such filth.

And blest by the Gang Be the Rhymester who sang Their praises in doggrel appalling; More now were a sin Ho, waiters, begin! Each soul for consomme is calling! Godfrey Webb. 13 The Hon. Mrs. E. Bourke. 14 The Hon. Spencer Lyttelton. 15 The Hon. Graham Smith. 18 Lady Ribblesdale. 19 Mrs. Asquith. 20 Lord Ribblesdale. 21 The Hon. Alfred Lyttelton. 22 The Hon. St. A. G. Liddell. 25 Mr.

The flesh of the salmon is rich and delicious in flavor. Salmon is in season from the first of February to the end of August. Consommé, or Stock, forms the basis of all meat soups, and also of all principal sauces.

"I think it would be fun enough to stay in a hotel for three days," remarked Ethel, sipping her consommé, "without doing another single thing!" "But our friend and benefactor wouldn't be satisfied with that," remarked Miss Phillips. "We are to see and learn things as well." "Oh, please tell us who it is!" cried Ruth, almost swallowing her olive in her haste to satisfy her curiosity. "I dare not!

I was mounted in a chair and had a cloth tucked in round my neck, like a self-made millionaire about to eat consomme. The officiating barber got out a shiny steel instrument with jaws the first pair of clippers I had ever seen and he ran this up the back of my neck, producing a most agreeable feeling.

He turned the cup towards her and watched her as she sipped. "'It was roast with fire," he pronounced softly and dreamily, 'because of the dreadful pains. It was to be eaten with bitter herbs'" "What are you saying?" "'To remind them of their bondage." "I object to your talking about bondage and bitter herbs when you are eating aunt Annie's delicious consomme."

"If you ask my candid opinion," he said, looking up from his paper, "I should say that young Lord Antony Trefusis was in the soup already. I seem to see the consommé splashing about his ankles. He's had a note telling him to be under the oak tree in the Park at midnight. He's just off there at the end of this installment. I bet Long Jack, the poacher, is waiting there with a sandbag.