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"I cannot part with him," replied the widow, bursting into tears; "indeed, indeed, I cannot." "So I've found out the way to move her," thought the carpenter; "those tears will do her some good, at all events. Not part with him!" added he aloud. "Why you wouldn't stand in the way of his good fortune surely? I'll be a second father to him, I tell you. Remember what the conjuror said."

"S," said the philosopher, like a child getting his lesson in the primer "S, T, A, R, C, H, Starch! dat is what de woman-washers put into de neckerchers, and de shirt collar." "Search!" echoed Ochiltree; "na, na, Mr. Dusterdeevil, ye are mair of a conjuror than a clerk it's search, man, search See, there's the Ye clear and distinct." "Aha! I see it now it is search number one.

I almost took ye for a conjuror, first-along upon my word I did! But once I get the drift o' your cunning, 'tis easy as easy." He gazed at Mr Benny and winked knowingly. "You may tell me, if you please," replied Mr Benny, himself somewhat mystified, but playing for safety.

The first question the Count put, was: "Am I married, or unmarried?" The conjuror drew back the curtain quickly, and placed his ear toward a richly-dressed Chinese, who sat in the litter; withdrew his head, and closed the curtain again; and then answered: "Yes."

Locke, there's the ten pounds as I promised you. Why, whor is my pooss?" The policeman solemnly handed it to him. He took it, turned it over, looked at the policeman half frightened, and pointed with his fat thumb at Mackaye. "Well, he said as you was a conjuror and sure he was right." He paid me the money.

But that you may not suspect Lady Emily for a sorceress, or me for a conjuror, which is no joke in Scotland, I must tell you that Frank Stanley, your friend, who has been seized with a tartan fever ever since he heard Edward's tales of old Scottish manners, happened to describe to us at second-hand this remarkable cup.

Tito, disposed always to cultivate goodwill, though it might be the least select, put a piece of four grossi into his hand as he moved away, and was thanked by a look which, the conjuror felt sure, conveyed a perfect understanding of the whole affair.

He doubles like the serpent, changes and flashes like the shaken kaleidoscope, transmigrates bodily into the views of others, and so, in the twinkling of an eye and with a heady rapture, turns questions inside out and flings them empty before you on the ground, like a triumphant conjuror.

The tymbestere nodded, snapped her fingers in the air, and humming no holy ditty, returned to the house through the doorway. This short conference betrays to the reader the relations, mutually advantageous, which subsisted between the conjuror and the tymbesteres. Nor was this all; both tymbesteres and conjuror were fortune-tellers by profession.

Voldyrev for some reason felt uncomfortable, and in obedience to some inward impulse he took a rouble out of his pocket and gave it to the clerk. And the latter kept bowing and smiling, and took the rouble like a conjuror, so that it seemed to flash through the air.