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He seemed to have gained enthusiasm, as well as a distinct idea of modern school methods, from his brief normal training. He managed to inspire his hearers with hope for a broader and higher education; his hopes for the future of the Poketown school lit responsive fires in the hearts of many of his listeners. Of course, Elder Concannon did not agree.

But that is not so. Everybody in Polktown is affected by the change. I am going to talk to Mr. Meddlar about it, or to Elder Concannon. Something ought to be done." "Hi tunket! There ye go!" chuckled Marty. "More do something business. You'd better begin with Walky." "Begin what with Walky?" "Your temperance campaign, if that's what you mean," said the boy, more soberly.

"Including the liberty to get drunk and the children to follow the example of the grown men?" asked Janice, tartly. "Is that liberty so precious?" "That's a harsh saying, Janice," said the old man, wagging his head. "It's the truth, just the same," the girl declared, with doggedness. "You can't make the voters do what you want not always," said Elder Concannon.

Slowly the more pessimistic of the townspeople began to show interest in the reading-room. Mr. Middler openly expressed his approval of the institution. Mr. Massey, the druggist, reported that the boys behaved themselves "beyond belief!" At length, even old Elder Concannon appeared unexpectedly in the reading-room one night to see what was going on.

An' it's a nice, neat, warm room, too, ain't it, now?" "Ahem! It appears to be," admitted Elder Concannon, and not so grudgingly as might have been expected. "But where's that young girl who had so much to do with it at first where's that Day girl?" "Why, pshaw, Elder! she don't have nothing to do with the reading-room," and the druggist's eyes twinkled.

Middler, the pastor, was a mild-voiced, softly stepping man, evidently fearing to give offense. Although he had been in the pastorate for several years, he seemed to have very little influence in the community. Elder Concannon and several other older members controlled the church and its policies utterly; and they frowned on any innovation.

"I can see just how things are going, Brother Middler I can see plainly," old Elder Concannon declared. "Just as soon as they told me that Day girl was a member of the society I knew what would happen. A new carpet for the aisle and the pulpit chairs upholstered! Ha! And them girls and boys themselves cleaning windows and sweeping and dusting the whole church once a month. Ridiculous!

Haley proved that a better-taught generation of scholars would possess an increased earning power and so be better able to take up and pay the school bonds than the present taxpayers. "Say! the folks cheered! When Mr. Haley sat down, the question was put and the vote went through with a rush. But Elder Concannon and Old Bill Jones, and Mr.

Elder Concannon had not given it to him. Narnay had come to town on that Saturday evening with only a dollar of the elder's money in his pocket. Did he bring the coin with him, or did he obtain it after reaching town? And who had given the gold piece to the man, in either case? Janice would have been glad to take somebody into her confidence in this matter; but who should it be?

The trees were just budding out nicely, there was a breath of lilac in the air, and the lawns were raked clean and showed a velvety, green sheen that was delightful to the eye. The old Town Hall had been repainted. Had it not been for the opposition of Elder Concannon, the young folks would have collected money for the repainting of the Union Church.