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"I disapprove, Miss I disapprove!" declared Elder Concannon, almost angrily, for he was not used to being crossed, especially in any semi-public matter like this. "You will find, too, that my opinion is the right one. Good-day, Miss. I am sorry to find one so young impervious to the advice of her elders." "I'll just show him!

It was Law, not Love, that was preached at the Poketown Union Church; and although the dissertations may have been satisfactory to the older members, they did not attract the young people to service, or feed them when they did come! Janice often wondered if the loud "Amens!" of Elder Concannon, down in the corner, were worth as much to poor little Mr.

I'll ride back with you," added the elder, who had quite overcome his dislike for what he had formerly termed "devil wagons," since one very dramatic occasion when he himself had discovered the necessity for traveling much "faster than the law allowed." "You are very welcome, Elder Concannon," Janice said, smiling at him. She kissed the two babies and Virginia, shook hands with Mrs.

What I was speakin' of is this: Nelse Haley is either a blamed fool, or else he never stole that money," and the druggist said it with desperation in his tone. "I hear he's took a job at sixteen a month and board with Elder Concannon and farmin' for the elder ain't a job that no boy with money and right good sense would ever tackle." "Oh, Mr. Massey! Has he?" for this was news indeed to Janice.

I believe with Uncle Jason that it's foolish to give Old Nick a fair show. He does not deserve the honors of war." More than Elder Concannon did not believe that Polktown could be carried for prohibition in Town Meeting. But election day was months ahead, and if "keeping everlastingly at it" would bring success, Janice was determined that her idea should be adopted. Mr.

Something more drastic was needed than that. "The business must be voted out of town. We all must take a stand upon the question on one side or the other," the girl had said earnestly, in discussing this point with Elder Concannon. "If you only shut up this bar, another license, located at some other point, will be asked for. Each time the fight will have to be begun again.

One Sabbath, old Elder Concannon a grizzled, heavy-eyebrowed man, with a beak-like nose and flashing black eyes preached, and he thundered out the "Law" to his hearers as a man might use a goad on a refractory team of oxen. Mr. Middler was a faint echo of the old Elder on most occasions. He seemed afraid of taking his text from the New Testament.

He admitted this, in his laughing way, to the girl, when she broached the subject of the fight for a new school. "But it's your job!" exclaimed Janice. "You more than anybody else ought to be interested in having the boys and girls of Poketown get a decent schoolhouse." "And suppose old Elder Concannon and the rest of the committee get after me with a sharp stick?" queried Nelson.

Well, there's a Miss Concannon who's been with her as a sort of companion for twenty years, but Miss Concannon isn't young, and she confided to me a few months ago that she needed an assistant, someone to pour tea and write notes and play accompaniments " "A sort of Julie le Breton?" said Susan, with sparkling eyes. She resolved to begin piano practice for two hours a day to-morrow.

Haley seemed to have made a good impression upon the three old dry-as-dust committeemen, especially on old Elder Concannon, the superannuated minister who had lived in Poketown for fifty years, although he had not preached at the Union Church, saving on special occasion, for two decades. "The Elder says he thinks this Haley'll do," said Marty, with a grin. "I heard him tell Walky Dexter so.