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Of such a kind, Caleb Williams, the celebrated Godwin's masterpiece, is in our time the only work known, and its interest is prodigious." Sterne, even more than Scott, was Balzac's favourite model. Allusions to him abound in the Comedie Humaine. Tristram Shandy the novelist appears to have had at his fingers' ends.

Henry James has written some charming paragraphs on the symbolic value of clothes, as illustrated by the costumes worn by the French actresses of the Comedie, women to whose unerring taste dress affords an expression of fine dramatic quality.

So much was made of it that our doyen, M. Got, came to beg me not to make such a scandal, as it reflected on the Comedie Francaise. I listened to him in silence, and when he had finished I took his hands. "Come with me and I will show you the scandal," I said. I led the way into the garden, followed by my visitor and friends. "Let the cheetah out!"

She went into raptures over Italian music, yawned decorously at the Comedie Francaise, and wept at the acting of Madame Dorval in some ultra romantic melodrama; and a great thing Liszt played twice in her salon, and was so kind, so simple it was charming! In such agreeable sensations was spent the winter, at the end of which Varvara Pavlovna was even presented at court.

Once a month, at most, I went without Bonaparte to the Comedie Francaise, but I was obliged to return at nine o'clock, that heing the hour at which we resumed business.

In the early nineteenth century the favourite promenade of Parisian flaneurs was displaced from the Palais Royal to the Boulevard des Italiens, whither the proprietors of cafés and restaurants followed. A group of young fellows entered one evening a small cabaret near the Comédie Italienne (now Opéra Comique), found the wine to their taste and the cuisine excellent, praised host and fare to their friends, and the modest cabaret developed into the Café Anglais, most famous of epicurean temples, frequented during the Second Empire by kings and princes, to whom alone the haughty proprietor would devote personal care. The sumptuous cafés Tortoni, founded in 1798, and De Paris, opened 1822, have long since passed away. So has the Café Hardy, whose proprietor invented déjeuners

"He can't understand people caring for amusement," she said, speaking of the Baron. "And yet this is really a thing to see.... But no matter, you'll find him at my feet again to-morrow." Duthil smiled and responded: "I suppose that peace has been signed and ratified now that you have secured your engagement at the Comedie." "Peace? No!" she protested. "No, no.

Every morning at eight my horse was brought round, and I went for a ride, and at ten I was back in my studio, 11 Boulevard de Clichy. I was very delicate, and my health suffered from the double effort I was making. I used to vomit blood in the most alarming way, and for hours together I was unconscious. I never went to the Comedie except when obliged by my duties there.

Scarcely a word was said of the troubles ahead. But it was understood that Mary would be in London to hear him preach at St. Hilda's. On the last day of Meynell's visit, Catharine, greatly to her surprise, received a letter from Hester Fox-Wilton. It contained a breathless account of an evening spent in seeing Oedipus Rex played by Mounet Sully at the Comedie Francaise.

But compare his "Voltaire" in the foyer of the Comédie Française with Chapu's "Berryer" of the Palais de Justice, to take one of the very finest portrait-statues of the present day.