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Richard could speak a little, though with pain. By his orders a messenger was dispatched that night to Plymouth to telegraph the news of the discovery of her husband's body to Mrs. Coe. His next anxiety was to hear the surgeon's report, not on his own condition, but on that of Solomon. This gentleman did not arrive for some hours, and Richard was secretly well pleased at his delay.

But he did not wish all the world to know that, nor even his alter ego, Solomon Coe. Trevethick, although a close-fisted fellow, was no miser in the vulgar sense. He kept this vast sum at hand, partly because he had no confidence in ordinary securities, and partly because he wished to be in a position, at a moment's notice, to accomplish his darling scheme.

The boy stood looking down at him, a broad smile lighting up the dark and vivid face. Old 'Lias supplied him with a perpetual 'spectacle' which never palled. 'Coe him back, 'Lias, he's soomwheer about. Yo need nobbut coe him, an he'll coom. 'Lias looked fatuously pleased. He lifted his head and affected to scan the path along which he had just travelled. 'Aye, I daur say he's not far.

Coe knew mighty well that Afiola had a string of people up the mountain keeping him informed of everything that happened the Kanaka telegraph, we used to call it. Then, besides, up there they could see for miles, and Coe had kedged the schooner acrost the fairway so that Afiola might reckonize his relations in the rigging.

Charity Coe, when the train stopped, had flatly refused to walk up the station platform with Jim Dyckman. She had not only virtue, but St. Paul's idea of the importance of avoiding even the appearance of evil. She would not budge from the car till Jim had gone. He was forced to leave her at last.

It looked as if the old jingle ought to be changed from "Finders keepers, losers weepers" to "Losers keepers, finders weepers." The day after Jim Dyckman pulled Kedzie out of the water he made a desperate effort to convince himself that he could be happy without the forbidden Charity Coe. He breakfasted and played tennis, then swam at Bailey's Beach.

"Oh, it must be left to you, Deacon," said the baker and Tam Wylie in a breath. "Certainly, it maun be left to the Deacon," assented Johnny Coe, when he saw how the others were giving their opinion. "Tho be it, then," snapped the Deacon. "Here he comes," said Sandy Toddle. Gourlay came down the street towards them, his chest big, his thumbs in the armholes of his waistcoat.

This being one of the higher departments of colliery labour, and among the best paid, George was very anxious to learn it. A small winding-engine having been put up for the purpose of drawing the coals from the pit, Bill Coe, his friend and fellow-workman, was appointed the brakesman. He frequently allowed George to try his hand at the machine, and instructed him how to proceed.

That's what made it so strange to see Captain Coe going the way he did, and taking up with all that nigger-loving and "Johnny, how's your soul?" We could only see one reason, and that was Alethea Tweedie; and the betting was about even whether he'd pull it off or not.

Richard's desire to conciliate was fully reciprocated by Trevethick, who wished above all things to make friends with the friend of Parson Whymper; only conciliation was so much out of his line. The old man and the young had absolutely nothing in common except their love for Harry. Upon the other hand, John Trevethick and Solomon Coe were cast almost in the same mould.