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On approaching La Chouette, whom she saw for the first time since a previous meeting, the countenance of Sarah expressed that disdain which people of a certain class feel when they are obliged to come in contact with wretches whom they use as instruments or accomplices.

According to his custom, the notary denied all this with audacity, and drove off La Chouette as an impudent liar, although he was convinced and frightened by her threats. In the course of the day the notary found means to assure himself that the Goualeuse was a prisoner at Saint Lazare, and so noted for her good conduct that her release was expected soon.

Escaping at length from the hands of La Chouette, wandering without bread, without shelter, hardly eight years of age, she was arrested as a vagabond, and put in prison. Oh! these were the happiest days of your daughter, madame. Yes, in the prison-house, each night she thanked God that she suffered no more from cold and hunger, and was beaten no more.

Come, now, mother, why should La Chouette inform against us, since she tells us what jobs she has in hand, and we do not tell her ours? for she knows nothing of our proposed drowning scrape. Be tranquil, mother dog don't eat dog. The day's work will be a good one.

"It is so dark, and besides, you go so fast, La Chouette; I'd rather go back, and leave you the candle." "And the door, imbecile? Can I open it alone! Will you go on?" "No, I am too much afraid." "If I come to you, take care." "Oh, now you threaten me, I'll go back." And he retreated a few steps.

"If you have her, old man, fair play," said the boy, chuckling, as he stopped on the top step of the staircase. "Help!" cried La Chouette, in a strangled voice. "Thank you, Tortillard," answered the Schoolmaster; "thank you," and he uttered an aspiration of fearful joy. "Oh! I pardon you the harm you have done me, and to reward you, you shall hear La Chouette sing! Listen to the bird of death

She had already commenced this treacherous evolution, when she was obliged to stop suddenly. Sarah drew a medallion from the bottom of the box, leaned on the table, handed it to La Chouette with a trembling hand, and said, "Look at this portrait."

Now the play begins," said the boy, who did not believe that the Schoolmaster seriously meditated to destroy La Chouette. "Let us talk a little," resumed the Schoolmaster, in a calm voice, to the old woman.

The painter was awaiting the fortunate moment when his property thus laid by would give him the imposing income of two thousand francs, to allow himself the otium cum dignitate of the artist and paint pictures; but oh! what pictures! true pictures! each a finished picture! chouette, Koxnoff, chocnosoff! His future, his dreams of happiness, the superlative of his hopes do you know what it was?

"This man gave some money to La Chouette, promising her some more when I should be taken from Bras-Rouge, and set out on a gallop. We continued our route toward Paris.