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La Chouette did not remain here, because she had an appointment at two o'clock, near the Observatory, with the tall man in black, on whose account she carried off this girl from the country, with the assistance of the Maitre d'Ecole and Tortillard; and it was even Barbillon who drove the hack which this tall man in black hired for the occasion.

"Nothing, madame: and yet, since my infancy, she has always shown this feeling toward me. The Schoolmaster answered, 'I will not have the Goualeuse drowned; she shall not go to Bras-Rouge. La Chouette was as much surprised as I was, madame, to hear this man defend me thus. She became furious, and swore that she would take me to Bras-Rouge in spite of him.

Good, good I will have a letter written to those people at the farm, where Pegriotte was sent, and inform them it was the notary who abandoned her. They know, perhaps, her family, and when she leaves Saint Lazare, it will be hot work for this hound of a Ferrand. But some one comes a little pale lady whom I have seen before," added La Chouette, seeing Sarah appear at the other end of the alley.

Martial went to Paris with Francois, and Amandine, La Louve not being willing to leave Fleur-de-Marie until she was out of danger. The island remained deserted. We shall soon meet with its wretched occupants at Bras-Rouge's, where they had agreed to meet La Chouette, to murder the diamond dealer.

After a moment's pause, as if she wished to escape a horrible thought, the widow said, roughly, "Did La Chouette come here while I was at Asnieres?" "Yes, mother." "Why did she not remain and go with us to Bras-Rouge? I am suspicious of her." "Bah! you suspect everybody, mother: to-day it is La Chouette; yesterday it was Bras-Rouge."

"It is La Pegriotte!" cried La Chouette, struck with the great likeness; "the little girl who was given to me; I see her as she was when Tournemine brought her to me. There is her thick curly hair which I cut off at once, and sold well, ma foi!" "You recognize her? Oh! I conjure you do not deceive me!"

The broker is to be at his house in the Champs Elysees at five-o'clock we must be there before him. This very morning La Chouette repeated it to us." "You are right," answered Nicholas, leaving his boat. "May the thunder crush this old woman, who physics us for no purpose! The trap works like a charm of the two jobs perhaps we shall have neither."

La Chouette, still advancing with cautious steps, had already reached one end of the table, and placed her dagger perpendicularly in her basket, the handle close to the opening, quite ready. She was only a few steps from the countess, when the latter suddenly said, "Do you know how to write?" And pushing back with her hand the boxes and jewels, she opened a blotter placed before an inkstand.

La Chouette, not to be discovered, placed her right arm on the back of the chair, and leaned toward her to answer her new question. "I have forgotten the name of the man who confided the child to you." "Pierre Tournemine," answered La Chouette.

Finally, far from being suspicious, Jacques Ferrand found, in the progress of events, new motives of security. All responded to his wishes. The death of Madame Seraphin rid him of a dangerous accomplice. He did not fear the Countess M'Gregor now that she was wounded, while La Chouette was dead, as we have related.