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Each one had four or five large handbags, and a carryall, and a hat box, and his tea-caddy, and his plaid blanket done up in a shawlstrap, and his framed picture of the Death of Nelson and all the rest of it; and they piled those things in the luggage racks until both the racks were chock-full; so the rest of us had to hold our baggage in our laps or sit on it.

"Why, that was a bad job. There's no fair trade now, no sort of dealing on the square nohow. We run all this risk of being caught by Crappos on purpose to supply British ship Gorgeous, soweastern station; and blow me tight if I couldn't swear she had been supplied chock-full by a Crappo! Only took ten cheeses and fifteen sides of bacon, though she never knew nought of our black fever case!

I'm not as young as I was, Miss Midget, and I'm chock-full of rheumatism." "Oh, we'd just as lieve row, Carter; King's fine at it, and I can row pretty well myself." But Kitty said: "I'm sorry you have rheumatism, Carter; I'll ask Mother to give you something for it." "Now that's kind and thoughtful of you, Miss Kitty. Miss Mischief, here, would never think of that!"

"There, sonny, them's yer papers," said he, thus laconically wishing me good-bye, sheering off out of the way of an approaching galley from the shore whose sternsheets were chock-full of big quartern loaves of bread, and then laying on his oars as I skipped up the ladder. "You jest give that there letter to the cap'en when you sees him, and good luck to you, my lad!"

Marjorie's adaptable nature quickly took color from her surroundings and influences, and gazing at her refined and dignified grandmother, she said earnestly, "When I grow up, Grandma, I hope I'll look just like you, and I hope I'll behave just like you. I am rather a naughty little girl; but you see I was born just chock-full of mischief, and I can't seem to get over it."

I rang up the steward and ordered tea, with scones, and jam in its native pots none of your finicking shallow glass dishes; and, when properly streaked with jam, and blown out with tea, I went through the armoury, clicked the rifles and revolvers, tested the edges of the cutlasses with my thumb, and filled the cartridge-belts chock-full.

Dorothy gets angry if I do the least thing that is wicked, and tries to make me stop it, and that naturally makes me downhearted. I can't imagine why she has come here just now, for I've been behaving very well lately. As for that Wizard of Oz, he's chock-full of magic that I can't overcome, for he learned it from Glinda, who is the most powerful sorceress in the world. Woe is me!

If you do you'll repent it, for electricians don't like their gear handled." Turning abruptly round, for the oars of the approaching boats could now be distinctly heard, the captain asked Sam if his batteries were well charged. "Chock-full, sir," replied Sam with a broad grin; "there's not a bit of iron all round the ship that a man could lay hold of without receiving his due!"

"This yere Trust is a proper an' well-found enterprise," he said gravely. "As fer Minky, I guess we can count him in most anything that ain't dishonest. So wal, this is jest precautions. Ther's nuthin' doin' yet. But you see," he added, with a shadowy grin, "life's mostly chock-full of fancy things we don't figger on, an' anyway I can't set around easy when folks gets gay.

"How dreadful!" exclaimed Jessie; "but when that happens how can you walk the deck?" "We can't walk the deck, ma'am. We has to scramble along the best way we can, holdin' on by hands and teeth and eyelids. Thank 'ee, miss, but I really do think I'd better not try to eat any more. I feels chock-full already, an' it might be dangerous. There's severe laws now against overloadin', you know."