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'I will go with you instead of him, said I, in a sudden whim; 'and I will give you a crown to introduce me as your comrade. 'YOU gang instead of Rob the Rambler! My certie, freend, ye are no blate! answered Wandering Willie, in a tone which announced death to my frolic. But Maggie, whom the offer of the crown had not escaped, began to open on that scent with a maundering sort of lecture.

But, my certie! it's a matter o' some moment to me, that ye've chairged wi' stealin' the letter, and making a market o't, and Lord knows what besides, that I suld hae yer ain acknowledgment for it in black and white. Gi' me my bit receipt and een do as ye will with yer letter after that!" Anne's hold of the letter relaxed.

'My certie, Miss Mysie! exclaimed Mrs. Halfpenny at the same time, 'ye're daft! Gae doon canny, and keep your apron on, for if I see a stain on that clean dress Mysie hopped downstairs without waiting to hear the terrible consequences.

'First, we 'd like to know just for a diversion what makes a lady, continued the obstreperous lass. ''Tisn't birth my certie! no. It must be a sort of civilisation. It must be, to my way of thinking, a give and a take. It must belong to the sort of person who has the courage of her race, and will even wipe the hair of a ghost when he comes to you in his trouble. That's what I call a lady.

In the short conversation which they had, he spoke abruptly, and with a flushed countenance; but he was too shrewd to ask him why he seemed so. It was not, he knew, his business to do so; and as the squire left the garden, to pass into the house, he looked after him, and exclaimed to himself, "my certie, there's a bee in that man's bonnet." On going to the drawing-room, the squire found Mr.

And all day long she kept close beside Jack, chaffing him, laughing at him, rallying him on his solemn face and driving him half-mad with her gay witchery. Then home they all came to supper, where waited them McNish and his mother with Mr. McGinnis, for they had been unable to join in the motor drive. "Ma certie, lassie! But ye're a sight for sare een. What hae ye bin daein tae her, Mr.

My certie, ye're ill to serve! Do ye think we havena heard o' your grand popinjay wark yonder, and how ye bleezed away as muckle pouther as wad hae shot a' the wild-fowl that we'll want atween and Candlemas and then ganging majoring to the piper's Howff wi' a' the idle loons in the country, and sitting there birling, at your poor uncle's cost, nae doubt, wi' a' the scaff and raff o' the water-side, till sun-down, and then coming hame and crying for ale, as if ye were maister and mair!"

The Dominie rose in his excitement and slammed the table, "My certie, lassie, but it would!" he cried, "Ogilvy looks on the Blackadder as his perquisite, and he's surer of it than ever this year. And there's no doubt but Tommy would carry it. My head to a buckie preen he would carry it, and then, oh, for a sight of Ogilvy's face, oh, for " He broke off abruptly.

Try and see it as I do." Mr. Bishopriggs returned from the window, and announced the appearance of a new element of embarrassment in the situation at the inn. "My certie!" he said, "it's weel ye cam' when ye did. It's ill getting to this hottle in a storm." Anne started and looked round at him. "A storm coming!" she exclaimed. "Eh! ye're well hoosed here ye needn't mind it.

'That slight, dark-eyed carle who took me off my horse was the Duke of York, of course, said she. 'My certie, a bonnie Scot would make short work of him, bones and all! And it would scarce be worth while to give a clout to the sickly lad that took Elleen down. 'Hush, Jean, said Eleanor; 'some one called him King! Was he King Harry himself?