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He was still able to eke out a living, but his success at his private séances had been counter-balanced by heavy losses at the public tables. It is a known fact that people who live outside the law keep to their own plane. The swindler very rarely commits acts of violence. The burglar who practises card-sharping as a side-line, is virtually unknown. Mr.

Bodlevski, with his obstinate, persistent, and concentrated character, reached the highest skill in card-sharping and the allied wiles. All games of "chance" were for him games of skill. At thirty he looked at least ten years older. The life he led, with its ceaseless effort, endless mental work, perpetual anxiety, had made of him a fanatical worshiper at the shrine of trickery.

You have slandered me, both by imputation and directly." "How much?" Mr. Bundercombe asked cheerfully. "Five thousand pounds!" Captain Bannister answered firmly. "How much more if I call you a lying, card-sharping swindler?" Mr. Bundercombe demanded, with unabated good humor. Captain Bannister looked dangerous, but he ignored the question. "You have your terms, sir," he said.

I assure you I have no more concern for your ultimate fate than those fellows below that you've been swindling all the evening. One thing I will say, though, for your express benefit. You will never make a good, even an indifferently good, gambler. And as to card-sharping, you've no talent whatever. Better give it up."

I'm a little curious to learn what yours consists of." "Why?" "It struck me that we might work together." "I'm not going in for card-sharping or anything of that kind!" The man seemed roused by this, but he mastered his anger. "Civility isn't expensive and sometimes it's wise," he observed. "I won't return the compliment; in fact, I'll credit you with the most disinterested motives.

A very clever American play which I once saw acted contained a complete working model of this morality. A girl was loyal to, but distressed by, her engagement to a young man on whom there was a sort of cloud of humiliation. The atmosphere was exactly what it would have been in England if he had been accused of cowardice or card-sharping.

You'll be at the Old Bailey very soon, if you don't do just vat you is told to do." "Me at the Old Bailey!" "Yes, Captain 'Oshspur, you at the Old Bailey. In vat vay did you get those moneys from poor Mr. Valker? I know vat I says. More than three hundred pounds! It was card-sharping." "Who says it was card-sharping?" "I says so, Captain 'Oshspur, and so does Mr. Bullbean. Mr.

But though you cannot keep him from the knowledge of evil, you can be a potent factor in teaching him the hidden dangers that beset him, in seeing that his young feet rest on the rock of true knowledge, and not on the shifting quagmire of the devil's lies; but above all, in inspiring him with a high ideal of conduct, which will make him shrink from everything low and foul as he would from card-sharping or sneaking, proving yourself thus to him as far as in you lies

"It was a large business," Mr. Stacpoole says of this organization in his popular life of Villon, "with as many departments as a New York store, and, to extend the simile, its chief aim and object was to make money. Coining, burglary, highway robbery, selling indulgences and false jewellery, card-sharping, and dice-playing with loaded dice, were chief among its industries." Mr.

Bodlevski, with his obstinate, persistent, and concentrated character, reached the highest skill in card-sharping and the allied wiles. All games of "chance" were for him games of skill. At thirty he looked at least ten years older. The life he led, with its ceaseless effort, endless mental work, perpetual anxiety, had made of him a fanatical worshiper at the shrine of trickery.