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When he spoke there was a certain rigor in his voice, which told the doctor that his friend was holding himself tightly in rein. "It really began when the four of us got together to investigate Capellette, two months ago." Van Emmon was a thorough man in important matters.

When he spoke there was a certain rigor in his voice, which told the doctor that his friend was holding himself tightly in rein. "It really began when the four of us got together to investigate Capellette, two months ago." Van Emmon was a thorough man in important matters.

"We haven't mentioned Capellette for weeks, Smith! We don't dare! If we did, there'd be such a rumpus that we we'd separate!" Something came up into her throat which had to be choked back before she could go on. Then "I don't know why it is, but every time the subject is brought up Van makes me so WILD!" She controlled herself with a tremendous effort.

Here we've investigated the conditions on two planets pretty thoroughly, and yet we can't agree upon what we've learned! "Van still thinks that the upper classes should rule, despite all the misery we saw on Capellette! And Billie is still convinced that the working classes, and no others, should govern! This, in the face of what we've just seen!

Instead: "You say, doc, that you know nothing further about Sanus than what you've already told us?" "I was about to mention that. The Venusians say that conditions are reversed from what we found on Capellette. Instead of Sanus being ruled by a small body of autocrats, it is ruled by the working class!"

Of course, the four still had the ability to communicate with each other while in the trance state; they had developed this power to a fair degree while investigating Capellette. However, each was so deeply interested in what he or she was seeing during the first hour of their Sanusian experiences that neither thought to discuss the matter until afterward.

Has it gone stagnant?" It seemed as though he were right. The whole great pool of humanity which comprised Capellette was still, quiescent, stagnant. Was there nothing to arouse it, no ripple in the pool? The doctor had this question uppermost in his mind when he located young Ernol.

Van Emmon was so good as to blame me for what I did in that Capellette mix-up; now, if you please, I'm going to see to it that this one, anyhow, works itself out without our interference!" "Well, I'll be darned!" The geologist looked again, to make sure it was really his wife who had been talking thus. "I'm mighty glad to know that you're not intending to warn Supreme, anyhow!"

Remember what sort of people the working classes of Capellette were? Smith's 'agent' was typical a helpless nincompoop, not fit to govern himself!" The geologist strove to keep his patience. "However," remarked Kinney, "the chap whose mind I used was no fool." "Nor was Billie's agent, the woman surgeon," agreed Van Emmon, "even if she did prefer 'the Devolutionist' to Powart.

"Twenty-five-hour dial, and a pendulum of the usual length, same as yours. But it vibrated no faster than any I ever saw before." "You're sure?" At the emphatic nod the doctor frowned. "We are forced to conclude that Capellette is not as round as our earth. No other way to account for such a difference in gravitation as the two clocks indicate.