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It requires, for instance, but ordinary powers of attention and perception, for a person who has one good look at a house, to recall distinctly to his mind the ideas of its height, shape, color, material, the number of stories, the pitch of the roof, the kind of shutters to the windows, the position of the door, the fashion of panels, the bell-handle, the plate, even the little canary-bird with its cage in the windows above, and the roses, geraniums, and what else may be fairer still, in the window below.

The new lady's-maid, with her canary-bird and her bundle, set out for an inn, the hostess of which I had recommended to her as an excellent person, and where she wished to change her gown before she presented herself at the castle. As for me the lovely evening shone right into my heart, and as soon as all the rest had disappeared I lost not a moment, but ran directly to the castle garden.

One variety of the Canary-bird, namely the London Prize, offers a nearly analogous case. With the breeds of the Fowl the inheritance of various characters by one or both sexes, seems generally determined by the period at which such characters are developed.

"I shall have to experiment on you, Polychrome, and I may fail in all my attempts." She then tried two or three different methods of magic, hoping one of them would succeed in breaking Polychrome's enchantment, but still the Rainbow's Daughter remained a Canary-Bird. Finally, however, she experimented in another way.

"Oh, let's see if we can't find the canary-bird." "Find it!" said Gilbert scornfully. "You might as well look for a needle in a haymow." "Perhaps if we put the cage out he'd come back into it," said Peggy. "Do you suppose anything clever enough to get out of prison would be fool enough to go back again?" said he. "Well, there seems to be nothing doing now and I guess I'll go home."

"She's a sensible mother; I know she'll let me come," said Peggy, as she ran up the steps. Mrs. Butler came to the door. Her eyes looked very red and she still seemed quite upset. "Oh, Mrs. Butler," said Peggy breathlessly, "I know I can find the canary-bird I know I can. I'll come right straight back as soon as I've had my dinner."

It's a mighty curious thing how a woman who has the appetite and instincts of a turkey buzzard will often make her husband believe that she's as high-strung and delicate as a canary-bird!

She had no opinions on anything more polemic than woolen union-suits, a topic on which Mrs. Howland discoursed for five minutes. She smiled frequently, and was the complete canary-bird in her manner of thanking the hostess, Mrs. Dave Dyer. Her only anxious period was during the conference on husbands.

It should, however, be borne in mind that, owing to few animals breeding freely under confinement, few experiments have been fairly tried: for instance, the canary-bird has been crossed with nine distinct species of finches, but, as not one of these breeds freely in confinement, we have no right to expect that the first crosses between them and the canary, or that their hybrids, should be perfectly fertile.

Even after we had returned home they would give me no rest, but would go on talking about her all night, and calling her their Glasha, and declaring themselves to be in love with "the canary-bird of their hearts." My defenseless self, too, they would plague about the woman, for I was as young as they. What a figure I must have cut with them on the fourth tier of the gallery!