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Updated: August 12, 2024

When this screen was fixed, the little Bryanite looked round and rubbed his hands. "Now I'll tell 'ee a prabble," he said "a prabble about this candle I'm holding. When God Almighty said 'let there be light, He gave every man a candle to some folks, same as you, long sixes perhaps and best wax; to others, a farthing dip.

With a louder sob Lizzie let go her hold and tottered back into a chair, laughing hysterically. The Bryanite leaned against the table, panting. There was a long pause. Mrs. Joll took a napkin from the dresser and fell to fanning the girl's face, then to slapping it briskly. "Get up and lay the table," she commanded; "the preacher'll stay to supper."

No, no" this to the Bryanite "we'll go back. I'll show 'ee sport we'll hunt th' old Divvle by scent and view to-night. I'm Squire Moyle, ain't I? And I've a pack o' hounds, ha'n't I? Back, boys back, I tell 'ee!" Lizzie Pezzack swung her torch. "Back back to Tredinnis!" The crowd took up the cry, "Back to Tredinnis!"

"I'll tell you what: there's a great Bryanite meeting to-night, down at the Chapel. I expect there'll be a devil hunt." "What's that?" "They turn out the lights and hunt for him in the dark." "But he isn't really there?" "I don't know. Suppose we play at scouts and creep down the road?

The Bryanite sprang to his feet, overturning the settle with a crash. "Tid'n no use. I must skip! Who'll dance wi' me?" He held out his hands to Mrs. Joll. She took them, and skipped once shamefacedly. Lizzie, with flaming cheeks, pushed her aside. "Leave me try, mis'ess; I shall die if I don't." She caught the preacher's hands, and the two leapt about the kitchen.

"I met him at Narragansett, and had several talks with him. He is a Bryanite, but very gentlemanly, and his convictions were so strong and so unquestionably genuine that he interested me. I want the best of all parties. We can't sit up and agree with each other." "Don't let that worry you, darling. Mr. North has been contradicting everybody in the Senate for twenty years.

It seemed that, as the end of the Vicar's task drew nearer, so the prospect of filling the church receded and became more shadowy. And if his was a queer plight, Jacky Pascoe's was queerer. The Bryanite continued to come by night and help, but at rarer intervals. He was discomforted in mind, as anyone could see, and at length he took Mr. Raymond aside and made confession.

He could only be spied upon through two lancet windows at the west end of the church, and these they curtained. But what continually bothered them was their ignorance of iron-work. Staples, rivets, hinges were for ever wanted. At length, one evening, toward the end of March, the Bryanite laid down his tools. "Tell 'ee what 'tis, Parson.

However, he came down to dinner, and it was not long before he roused the anger and contempt of his wife and curate, by saying, "I am converted." They tried hard to laugh him out of it, and asked him which of the chapels he would join? They suggested he had better be a Bryanite; Mr. Haslam is king of the Bryanires; and so on!

He had been a reform member of the city council, he had been a Greenbacker, a Labor Unionist, a Populist, a Bryanite and after thirty years of fighting, the year 1896 had served to convince him that the power of concentrated wealth could never be controlled, but could only be destroyed.

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