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Were a bottleful of concentrated miasma, such as we inhale herein, collected, what a deadly poison, instantaneous in its action, undiscoverable in its properties, would it be! I think it would act quicker than chloroform, be as fatal as prussic acid. Horrors upon horrors are in it. Boas above our heads, snakes and scorpions under our feet.

"An' what do you call this a garbage-scow?" answered Elisha, ill-naturedly. "We've got no grub or water to spare. We've got troubles of our own." "Dammit, man, we're thirsty here. Give us a breaker o' water. Throw it overboard; I'll get it." "No; told you we have none to spare; an' we're bein' yanked out to sea." "Well, gi' me a bottleful; that won't hurt you." "No; sheer off. Git out o' this.

"Dangerous how do you mean?" I could have shaken the man for his stupidity. "I mean if a person was to take too much of it by mistake of course " says I, my heart in my throat. "Lord bless you, no. It's only lime-water. You might feed it to a baby by the bottleful." I gave a great sigh of relief, and hurried on to Mr. Ranford's. But on the way another thought struck me.

"Anywhere you say, Eyllen, only let it not be too far for my feet to travel," replied the man indulgently, as he watched her, well pleased with the grace of her movements. "When we are tired we will sit and rest in the sunshine. See! Here is buttermilk the priest's housekeeper has sent you. I will carry a bottleful to refresh you when thirsty." They then trudged off among the hills.

"I would like to try one more after we have had something to eat. What would be the effect if you poured the whole bottleful into the quarry and set it off?" "Oh, impossible!" cried Lambelle. "It would rend this whole part of the country to pieces. In fact, I am not sure that the shock would not be felt as far as Paris. With a very few drops I can shatter the whole quarry."

He poured a little of the green powder into a test-tube, and tried the substance with water, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid in succession. Getting no result, he emptied out a little heap nearly half the bottleful, in fact upon a slate and tried a match. He held the medicine bottle in his left hand.

"Thank you, madame," replied the woman, "she only takes milk, and sometimes not even that willingly. I took care to bring a bottleful with me." Then, giving way to the desire which possesses the wretched to confide their woes to others, she began to relate her story. Her name was Vincent, and her husband, a gilder by trade, had been carried off by consumption.

Being "not a bit like the rest" of her sister dryads, she refrained from mentioning this habit to Mr. Rolls, whose prowling place was on higher decks. Not that she was still what he would have called "standoffish" with him. That would have been silly and Victorian after the grapefruit and chocolates and novels, to say nothing of balm by the bottleful.

But we had been privily told of another further down the valley, at the Sha'b el-Harr; and, although we much wanted a bottleful for photography, we determined to run the risk. The result is curious, showing how jealously water-secrets are kept in these lands.

She made no reply; and as she lifted the bottle and began to beat the yellow mass again, it occurred to him that the remark was exceptionally silly. "Does it have to go in slowly like that the whole bottleful?" he inquired lazily. She nodded. "Or it curdles," she explained. "The cook sprained his wrist yesterday.