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But one evening, during a temporary lull in the conversation at Sim Ripson's, old Uncle Ben, ex-deacon of a New Hampshire church, lifted up his voice, and remarked: "'Pears to me Blizzer's beginnin' to look scrumptious. He used to be the shabbiest man in camp."

Blizzer's residence at Tough Case considered his day's work done, and retired under the snowy coverlets the Sierras lent him. The tired miners gladly dropped pick, shovel, and pan, but bedclothing was an article which at that moment they scorned to consider; there was important business and entertainment, which would postpone sleep for many hours.

Blizzer to common sense, and as he had argued Uncle Ben, first into a perfect frenzy and then into silence, the crowd considered Mrs. Blizzer's faith doomed. Monday morning, bright and early, as men with aching heads were taking their morning bitters, Mrs. Blizzer appeared at Sim Ripson's store, and purchased a bar of soap. "Boys heard ye singin' yesterday," said Sim. "Yes?" inquired Mrs. Blizzer.

I came out here because I fell out with a girl I thought I loved. She acted like a fool, and I made up my mind all women were fools. But that wife of Blizzer's has shown me more about true womanliness than all the girls I ever knew, and I'm going back to try it over again."

Suddenly the doctor emerged from the hut, and said something to Arkansas Bill, and the boys saw Arkansas Bill put both hands up to his face. Then the boys knew that their sympathy could help Blizzer's wife no longer. Slowly the crowd re-entered the store, and mechanically picked up the yet untasted glasses.

Here's to Blizzer's wife, the best man in camp, an' may the Lord send us somebody like her!" In silence, and with uncovered heads, was the toast drank; and for many days did the boys mourn for her whose advent brought them such disappointment. I keep a boarding-house.

Arkansas Bill opened the door, and called Blizzer, and the crowd followed Blizzer, though at a respectful distance. In a moment Blizzer reappeared with his wife, no longer fat, in his arms, and Arkansas Bill hurried on to open Blizzer's door. The crowd halted, and didn't know what to do, until Moosoo, the little Frenchman, lifted his hat, upon, which every man promptly uncovered his head.

"That ain't the wust, nuther," said Topjack Flipp's usual partner. "There wuz Arkansas Bill an' Jerry Miller, thet used to be ez fond of ther little game ez anybody. Now, ev'ry night they go up thar to Blizzer's, an' jest do nothin' but sit aroun' an' talk. It's enough to make a marble statoo cuss to see good men spiled that way."

There were but a few men at Tough Case who were not willing to have their daily fare improved, and as Mrs. Blizzer did not make a tour of instruction, the boys made it convenient to stand near Mrs. Blizzer's own fire, and see the mysteries of cooking.

No; all these promoters of delicious and refreshing Tumult were as nothing to the agitation which, commencing three months before, had increased and taken firmer hold of all hearts at Tough Case, until to-day it had reached its culmination. Blizzer's wife had come out, and was to reach camp by that day's boat.