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Updated: August 29, 2024

"So be it," answered the Maid; and turned herself to the chapel, where she spent the night in prayer. It was Bertrand who rode forth in search of tidings, his heart burning within him. It was he who nine days later entered Vaucouleurs again, weary and jaded, but with a great triumph light in his eyes. He stood before De Baudricourt and spoke. "It is even as the Maid hath said.

De Baudricourt could not have heard the words, yet when he spoke a brief while later, it almost seemed as though he might have done so. "Nephew," he said, lifting his head abruptly and gazing across at us, "tell me again the words of that prophecy of Merlin's, spoken long, long ago, of which men whisper in these days, and of which you did speak to me awhile back."

As M. Simeon Luce has pointed out in his history of 'Jeanne d'Arc at Domremy, the situation both of Charles VI. and of the knight of Vaucouleurs was far different in 1429 to what it had been when Joan first saw de Baudricourt at Vaucouleurs in the previous year.

'Tis enough to make the name of De Baudricourt the laughingstock of the whole country!" I felt a great throb at heart when I heard these words. Then the Maid had not forgot! This time of waiting had not bred either indifference or doubt. The time appointed was drawing near, and she had come to Vaucouleurs once more, to do that which was required of her! O, was it not wonderful?

Bringing out one of his rattling oaths, he cried: "Then if she can bear the touch of holy water, and the sign of book and taper and bell and I know not what beside then shall she be sent to the King at Chinon, and I, Robert de Baudricourt, will send her come what may of the mission!" I had myself proposed the test, and yet when the moment came I was ashamed of myself.

She had only to breathe a word, and the business of anyone who had offended her was settled. A free fight only brought a smile to her lips, and often the Sire de Baudricourt one of the King's Captains would ask her if there were any one he could kill for her that day a little joke at the expense of the abbots.

"'And I know that you will send me to the Dauphin, Robert de Baudricourt, she suddenly said, 'because my voices tell me so. "We all looked at De Baudricourt, who sat chin on hand, gazing at the maiden as though he would read her very soul. We waited, wondering, for him to speak At last he did. "'Well, my girl, I will think of all this.

When Beaupère asked her if it was her own idea to come into France, Joan replied in the affirmative, and also that she would sooner have been torn to pieces by horses than have come without the will of God. 'Does He, asked the priest, 'tell you not to wear the man's dress? and had not Baudricourt, he added, 'wished she should dress as a man?

Then Joan went to the castle and said: "In God's name, Robert de Baudricourt, you are too slow about sending me, and have caused damage thereby, for this day the Dauphin's cause has lost a battle near Orleans, and will suffer yet greater injury if you do not send me to him soon." The governor was perplexed by this speech, and said: "To-day, child, to-day?

"And have you heard nought of the commotion going on there?" "We have heard nought. Pray what hath befallen, good sir? Is it some disaster? Hath Orleans fallen into the hands of the English?" For that was the great fear possessing all loyal minds at this period. "Nay, it is nought so bad as that," answered De Baudricourt, "and yet it is bad enough, I trow.

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