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"Fancy your subscribing to a press-cutting agency, Lady Jane!" he exclaimed. "You haven't been writing a novel under a pseudonym, have you?" She laughed as she gathered up her correspondence in her hand. "Don't pry into my secrets," she enjoined. "We may meet in Barnstaple to-morrow. If the weather clears, I want to go in and see those cattle for myself."

Further signatures were, however, to be forwarded. It was urged by the deputation that I should make my appearance at Barnstaple at the earliest possible date, as no time was to be lost, and they were most anxious to hear my views, especially upon topics that they knew more about than I, which is generally the case, I am told, in most constituencies.

"I do not quite say that, for it is many a long day since the coach was attacked between Newbury and Wancote; but rumour has been busy." "Ha!" cried Betty, sitting upright eagerly. "It is said that Wild Jack Barnstaple has been heard of in the neighbourhood." "Heaven help us!" shrieked Mary Jones. "Be calm, I entreat you, my dear madam, and have pity on my unfortunate toes!

When we had finished prayer, it was found to be a brother from Tetbury, who had brought from Barnstaple £1 2s. 6d. for the Orphans. Thus we have £1 14s. 6d., with which I must return the letter-bag to the Orphan-Houses, looking to the Lord for more. "Aug. 6. Without one single penny in my hands the day began.

In Cornwall, Sir Ralph Hopton, afterwards Lord Hopton, Sir Bevil Grenvile, and Sir Nicholas Slanning secured all the country, and afterwards spread themselves over Devonshire and Somersetshire, took Exeter from the Parliament, fortified Bridgewater and Barnstaple, and beat Sir William Waller at the battle of Roundway Down, as I shall touch at more particularly when I come to recite the part of my own travels that way.

She would call you a boy, sir, though you think you're a man, and no more muscle in your arms than a carrot." "But the people in the cave, Samson?" "Don't I tell you they're all right, sir right as right can be; and first chance there's going to be a boat round from Barnstaple to take Sir Godfrey and Miss Lil and my lady away across the sea to France, and Pshaw!

It's downright profanity." "It's no such thing," sais I, "it's merely a philosophical investigation. Mr Cutler," sais I, "let us understand each other. I have been brought up by a minister as well as you, and I believe your father, the clergyman at Barnstaple, was as good a man as ever lived; but Barnstaple is a small place.

"Well, father always talks about it as if all the Gap belonged to him. What were you doing there?" "Having a walk," I was obliged to say. "Oh, well, you might have stopped." "Didn't I tell you my father wanted me," I replied in a pettish way. "I've only just got out again." "I've been waiting at home to see if my father would come back. He started off to walk to Barnstaple." "Your father has?"

From thence he travelled to Barnstaple, where he had great success, none suspecting him in his dress, as it was certainly known such a ship had been really cast away near the Lizard a few days before.

On hearing that I was in the Devons he told me that on leaving the university his father had sent him to live at a small village near Barnstaple, where he had remained for several years. Doubtless, a hard-working man of leisure! He seemed a very able officer, but decidedly young for a German major.