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Arriving in Edinburgh, Marat thought it necessary for a time to live in hiding, but finally he came out and was duly installed as barkeep at a tavern, and a student in the medical department of the University of Saint Andrews a rather peculiar combination.

Thar's a gentle-minded party comes soarin' down on Wolfville one evenin'. No, he don't own no real business to transact; he's out to have a heart-to-heart interview with the great Southwest, is the way he expounds the objects of his search. "'An' he's plenty tender, says Black Jack, who's barkeep at the Red Light.

It's in a poker game; an' the barkeep brings the dealer a cold deck onder a tray whereon he purveys the drinks. Which the discovery of this yere solecism, as you-all well imagines, arouses interest, earnest an' widespread like I deescribes. I counts up when the smoke lifts an' finds that seven has sought eternal peace. Commonly two is the number; three bein' quite a shipment.

Shore, Osages, lacks guitars an' fiddles, an' thar's no barkeep nor nosepaint none, in trooth, of the fav'rable adjuncts wherewith we makes a evenin' in Hamilton's hurdygurdy a season of social elevation, an' yet they pulls off their fandangoes with a heap of verve, an' I've no doubt they shore enjoys themse'fs.

I'll walk up to the bar in my old, raggedy clothes and if the barkeep makes any cracks about paying in advance I'll just drop that down on the mahogany. That'll learn him, by grab, to keep a civil tongue in his head and to say Mister when he's speaking to a gentleman." He grinned at the Judas that he had taken to his bosom but Fellowes did not respond.

"It's partly made of Blue Grass, like a 'horse's neck. But if it's too much trouble, just give me a Cola." The barkeep grinned, too. "I gotcha, Steve," and poured out the soft drink. Hanlon sat sipping his innocuous drink, looking about him quietly.

"'An' from the standp'int of rest, Dan, observes the Colonel to Boggs as the barkeep brings them fresh glasses, 'I really welcomes this difference with them blacksmiths of mine. I shorely needs this lay-off; literatoor that a-way, Dan, an' partic'lar daily paper literatoor of the elevated character I've been sawin' off on this camp in the Coyote, is fa-tiguin' to the limit.

"Watches that don't keep perfect time," drawled Jim, "are scarcer than wimmin who tell their age on the square." "Better come over, Jim, and have a drink," suggested the barkeep. "You're sure one of the movin' spirits of Borealis." "No, I don't think I'll start the little feller off with the drinkin' example," replied the miller.

I shorely wouldn't be without it; none whatever! "Miss Faro Nell, Wolfville's beautiful and accomplished society belle, condescended to grace the post of lookout last night for the game presided over by our eminent townsman, Mr. Cherokee Hall. "Ain't it sweet?" says Faro Nell, when she reads it. "I thinks it's jest lovely. The drinks is on me, barkeep." Then we goes on: "Mr.

Bein' froze, an' mebby from an over-dab of nose-paint, I never saveys about this yere Spanish Bill meetin' up with me that a-way ontil later. But by what the barkeep says, he drug me into the Tub of Blood an' allows he's got a maverick. ""Fix this yere froze gent up somethin' with teeth," says Spanish Bill to the barkeep.