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There was nothing to drown the noise the key made when I locked the side-door again, and when I got to the bottom of the back-stairs, I saw a light at the top, and there was Grandmamma in the most awful night-cap you can imagine, with a candle in one hand, and the watchman's rattle in the other.

"Now the devil take this thing for a half-baked, back-stairs, second-hand kitchen gentleman," hissed M. Radisson, pushing in. "Here, my fine fellow," says he with a largesse of vails his purse could ill afford, "here, you sauce-pans, go tell Madame Radisson her husband is here!"

It may suit her purpose to agree." "What! A woman who loves, or who has loved Robert Orange? A few things in human nature are still impossible." Prince d'Alchingen shrugged his shoulders, and continued "Parflete has a good back-stairs knowledge of Alberian politics. We never deny this, but we always add that he was dismissed, in disgrace, from the Imperial Household."

"Hound! if your saints can really smuggle you up the back-stairs to heaven, they will do it without five minutes' more coaxing and flattering." Fray Gerundio and the condemned man alike stopped their ears at the blasphemy. "Oh, Fray Gerundio!" screamed the bishop, "pray for me. I have treated you like a beast. Oh, Fray, Fray!"

Later, this was supplemented by the engagement of Hamilton W. Mabie, who for years reviewed the newest books. In almost every issue of the magazine there appeared also an article addressed to the literary novice. In the minds of these misinformed writers, these back-stairs are gained by "knowing the editor" or through "having some influence with him."

And precisely upon the distrust; thus created as a foundation, they raised a back-stairs council, by means of which they were able to further their ambitious, avaricious, and seditious practices, notwithstanding the good advice and remonstrances of the council of state, and the States General and Provincial."

You cannot dodge the moral law; as Professor Clifford said, "There are no back-stairs to the universe" by which we can elude the consequences of our wrong, whether of thought or action. If you let in one evil premise by the back-door, be sure Sin and Death will come out at the front. Here, then, you must take a firm and watchful stand.

The rogues can't go far without a clatter of some sort, and if we could only catch one of them we should get the reward and a deal of glory, I said to myself, grasping my hatchet firmly. "A door closed softly below, and a step came creeping towards the back-stairs. Sure now of my prey, I was just about to scream 'Jack! when something went splash into the tub at the foot of the back-stairs.

In short, he gave me an opportunity of studying John Bull, as I may say, stripped naked his greed, his usuriousness, his hypocrisy, his perfidy of the back-stairs, all swelled to the superlative such as was well worth the little disarray and fluster of our passage in the hall.

So, too, I had here an opportunity to study one of the fundamental ideas of the prevalent theology namely, the doctrine of "intercession," which has played such a part not only in Catholic but in Protestant countries, the idea that, just as in an earthly court back-stairs influence is necessary to secure favor, so it must be in the heavenly courts.