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Norah Castellan stooped and kissed her wounded lover's brow, and then stood up and clasped her hands behind her. Lennard went to one of the tables and Auriole to the other. Lennard had honestly kept the unspoken pact that had been made between them in the observatory at Whernside.

Meanwhile Gilbert Lennard passed his peaceful though anxious days between Bolton and Whernside, while Auriole, Margaret Holker, Norah Castellan and Mrs O'Connor, with hundreds of other heroines, were doing their work of mercy in the hospital camps at the different bases behind the fighting front.

But just now, when you thought I was taken ill, I had a sort of vision, and I saw you, yes, you, Auriole as, if my one chance fails, you must infallibly be this night thirteen months hence.

Then came two more miles on hard, well-kept roads, so perfectly graded that the upward slope was hardly perceptible. "We're on our own ground now and I guess I'll let her out," said Miss Auriole. "Don't be frightened, Norah. These things look big and strong, but it's quite wonderful what they'll do when there's a bit of human sense running them.

If the beautiful lady wanted to play the escape game he might as well take an intelligent interest and play it sensibly. "No good," said he. "Soon as you lift the shutter bar an alarm starts ringing and they all rush in." "S'pose we did that," said Auriole with a sudden idea. "Worked in the dark, started the bell, and when they came in made a dash for it."

They took their leave of the astronomer and his staff, and a few minutes later the Auriole, still flying the flag of truce, cleared the tree-tops and rose into the serene starlit atmosphere above them.

When Auriole slipped quietly into the room five minutes later she found Richard asleep on the camp bed with Blayney's kit bag tucked under his head. Below stairs there existed a state of turmoil. She had exploded her bombshell as to Richard's false identity secure in the belief that it would result in his immediate liberation. "But Hell! what are you thinking off?" Hipps had roared.

Naturally, the prospect of an hour or so with Auriole alone in his temple of Science was very pleasant, and moreover, he felt that, as the momentous tidings had to be told, he would prefer to tell them to her first. And so it came about.

When I once get to sleep, I hope I shall forget all things earthly, and heavenly too for the matter of that, until about six o'clock, and if you will have me called then, I will be ready for dinner." "Certainly," replied Auriole, "and I hope you will sleep as well as you deserve to do, after all these nights of watching." He did sleep.

He pointed to a bronze bust of Van Diest which had been placed on the mantelpiece a few days before, presumably to act as a reminder of the influence dominating the apartment. "Try that one," he suggested, laughing inanely. But Auriole did not laugh. She gave a glad cry and called on him to help. Together they carried the bust and soon had tied it securely inside the dressing gown.