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So things being put in order at the office, I home to do the like there; and so to bed. At Barnet for milk, 6d. On the highway, to menders of the highway, 6d. Dinner at Stevenage, 5s. 6d. 6th. Saturday. Spent at Huntingdon with Bowles and Appleyard, and Shepley, 2s. 7th. Sunday. My father, for money lent, and horse-hire, 1l. 11s. 8th. Monday.

Solomon Appleyard, knocking the ashes from his pipe, arose. "Don't know any reason myself why we shouldn't see a little more of one another than we do," suggested Grindley senior, shaking hands. "Give us a look-up one Sunday afternoon," suggested Solomon. "Bring the youngster with you."

An idea, a name, had flashed into his mental field of vision as if sent in answer to his prayer. And still regardless of bystanders he slapped his thigh delightedly. "Ambler Appleyard!" he exclaimed. "The very man! Here, you!" The last two words were addressed to a taxi-cab driver whose car stood at the head of the line by the Gaiety Theatre. Allerdyke crossed from the pavement and jumped in.

"The welcome man's the chap that enables us to recover and convict. Here, shove that bill in your pocket, and read it at your leisure there's something to think about in what it says, I promise you." Appleyard went away from the club an hour and a half later, thinking hard enough. But he was not thinking about the reward bill.

It was late in the evening when Solomon opened the door and called upstairs to Janet Helvetia to come down. "I used to know you long ago," said Hezekiah Grindley, rising. "You were quite a little girl then." Later, the troublesome Sauce disappeared entirely, cut out by newer flavours. Grindley junior studied the printing business. It almost seemed as if old Appleyard had been waiting but for this.

Well, I see my own four men I also see at least six detectives who belong to the City police, and there may be more. But I know those six personally. They are spread about, all over the place, and I daresay that every man is very much on the stretch, innocent enough as he looks." "Six!" exclaimed Appleyard. "And four of yours! That looks as if they expected to have to tackle a small army!"

Greek they thought it was they had been talking; as a matter of fact, a much older language. A young gardener was watering flowers, and as they passed him he grinned. It was not an offensive grin, rather a sympathetic grin; but Miss Appleyard didn't like being grinned at. What was there to grin at? Her personal appearance? some gaucherie in her dress? Impossible. No lady in all St.

After which conversation Richard went for a long ride, inspected cottages in building at Sandyfield, visited a house, undergoing extensive, internal alterations, which stands back from Clerke's Green, about a hundred yards short of Appleyard, the saddler's shop at Farley Row. He came in late. Unusual silence held him during dinner.

There and then he seized a pen, and wrote to his kinsman, Sir Thomas Blount, who even then was on his way to Cumnor. He stated in the letter what he had learnt from Bowes, bade Blount engage the coroner to make the strictest investigation, and send for Amy's natural brother, Appleyard.

Oh, well, poor dear little chap, I suppose it's the best we can do for him." An ugly saddle yet had Josiah Appleyard ample reason to skip, goat-like, being glad. For, ugly or not, it fulfilled its purpose, bringing custom to the maker and happiness and health to the owner of it. The boy rode fearlessly, while exercise and exertion begot in him a certain light-heartedness and audacity good to see.