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"Zat von zat von in ze meedle wiz ze red 'air," said the baron. He pointed to Pollyooly in the middle of the ring where she was acting as pitcher, her face flushed, her eyes shining, her red hair a flying cloud. An immense slow smile spread over the expanse of royal face; and the grand duke cried: "Mein Gott! Bud id is nod a child at all zat! Id is an anchel a leedle anchel Italian renascence!

"Spare me!" cried the ex-oysterseller, leering at Schmucke. "Bons," the good German said when he returned "Montame Zipod is an anchel; 'tis an anchel dat brattles, but an anchel all der same." "Do you think so? I have grown suspicious in the past month," said the invalid, shaking his head. "After all I have been through, one comes to believe in nothing but God and my friend "

"Spare me!" cried the ex-oysterseller, leering at Schmucke. "Bons," the good German said when he returned "Montame Zipod is an anchel; 'tis an anchel dat brattles, but an anchel all der same." "Do you think so? I have grown suspicious in the past month," said the invalid, shaking his head. "After all I have been through, one comes to believe in nothing but God and my friend "

Delighted to announce to his "anchel" that she was to move from the Rue Taitbout to the Rue Saint-Georges, where she was to have "ein little palace" where her memories would no longer rise up in antagonism to their happiness, the pavement felt elastic under his feet; he walked like a young man in a young man's dream.

"My lofely Esther, mein anchel of lofe," said the banker, "do not speak to me like dat. I tell you, I should not care ven all de vorld took me for a tief, if you should tink me ein honest man. I lofe you every day more and more." "That is my intention," said Esther. "And I will never again say anything to distress you, my pet elephant, for you are grown as artless as a baby.

Here all the gowns were seized, everything she has is three months old. But madame is so kind, you see, that I love her, and she is my mistress! But in all justice such a woman as she is, in the midst of furniture that has been seized! And for whom? For a young scamp who has ruined her. Poor little thing, she is not at all herself." "Esther, Esther; go to bet, my anchel!

"And how much does it cost you?" asked Francois Keller rudely it was said that he had spent twenty-five thousand francs a year on Madame Colleville. "Dat voman is an anchel! She never has ask' me for one sou." "They never do," replied du Tillet. "And it is to avoid asking that they have always aunts or mothers."

"To fly!" cried the Baron, in dismay at the notion. "But the Bourse, the Bourse! Go 'vay, I shall not come in. But tell her that I shall see her at her window dat shall gife me courage!" Esther smiled at Monsieur de Nucingen as he passed the house, and he went ponderously on his way, saying: "She is ein anchel!" This was how Europe had succeeded in achieving the impossible.

It is hard to say whether the shriek of Pollyooly or the terrific bellow of his august sire was the sharper spur to the prince's legs; but he saved the rounder. "Sblendid! 'e did not roon like an ox," said the grand duke almost proudly. "Vhat did you write vas ze name of zat leedle anchel?"

"Vill you come to Rue Taitbout?" said he. "Wherever you please, monsieur," said Esther, rising. "Verever I please!" he echoed in rapture. "You are ein anchel from de sky, and I lofe you more as if I was a little man, vile I hafe gray hairs " "You had better say white, for they are too fine a black to be only gray," said Asie. "Get out, foul dealer in human flesh!