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The roof of the shed in which they stood had been made unusually high in order to contain them. "Well, I s'pose the big 'ammer that Bob says is as 'eavy as five carts of coals must be 'ereabouts?" observed Mrs Marrot looking round. "Yes, there it is," said Will, pointing in front of him. "W'ere? I don't see no 'ammer."

Well what on earth are you doing to those potatoes, Eliza?" "Mashing 'em, Miss." "What, with a hammer!" "I washed the 'ammer, Miss." "Surely you didn't mash them that way at Maggie Hall, Eliza?" "Yes, miss. The young ladies got so they couldn't abide them done any other way." Kathleen looked more closely, and examined the badly bruised tubers.

"Sure, they're your own, sir." The other looked up quickly. "I'll get everything ready for a bath, and if you've a mind for anything to eat afterward " "I think I'll have a little of the last, first," said the visitor slowly. "Right you are, sir. You do look a bit done up, sir," sympathetically, "but there's a veal and 'ammer in the cupboard that will soon make you fit." "One moment, Dennis."

Oh! we'll weather 'er, sir; somehow we'll 'ave to weather 'er. With the millionaire heiress aboard we'll 'ave to, worse luck for it. We'll 'ammer down the 'atches an' let 'er ride if we 'ave to but it's a jolly 'ard shaking habout we'll get, sir. But she's a 'arty, clean-hulled little boat, she is, an' she'll ride 'er some'ow."

Your uneducated masses speak English, you will not deny that; our uneducated masses speak American it won't be fair for you to deny that, for you can see, yourself, that when your stable-boy says, 'It isn't the 'unting that 'urts the 'orse, but the 'ammer, 'ammer, 'ammer on the 'ard 'ighway, and our stable-boy makes the same remark without suffocating a single h, these two people are manifestly talking two different languages.

You 'old the drill for awhile and turn it, while I sling th' sledge. Then you take th' 'ammer and Lor' 'ave mercy on my 'ands if you miss." Fairchild obeyed. They began the drilling of the first indentation into the six-inch vein which lay before them.

"Tell 'ee what, my fellow, if you can throw that theer 'ammer further nor me, then I'll say, 'Done, and you can name your own wages, but if I beat you, and I'm fair sure I can, then you must stand up to me for ten minutes, and I'll give 'ee a good trouncin' to ease my mind what d'ye say?" After a momentary hesitation, I nodded my head. "Done!" said I.

At first a brawling torrent, its current grows more gentle as the valley widens and the rocks recede, and at last the little river flows quietly with broad windings through meadows carpeted with flowers. On these meadows, a couple of miles apart, lie the twin villages of the Ammer Valley the one world-famous, the other unheard of beyond the sound of its church-bells Ober and Unter Ammergau.

"Ay you've larned to use a 'ammer purty well, considerin', though you be wastin' your opportoonities shameful, Peter, shameful." "Am I, Ancient?" "Ay, that ye be moon can't last much longer she be on the wane a'ready!" "Moon?" said I, staring. "Ah, moon!" nodded the old man; "theer's nowt like a moon, Peter, an' if she be at the full so much the better."

"I say," rising, and going towards Everett's cupboard, "Everett's a Sybarite, you know, of the worst kind sure to find something here, and we can square it with him afterwards. Beauty in distress, you know, appeals to all hearts. Here we are!" holding out at arm's length a pasty. "A 'weal and ammer! Take it! The guilt be on my head! Bread butter pickled onions! Oh, not pickled onions, I think.