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All the time his mind was questioning amazedly. By the time the speeches which he deemed necessary were finished, he had followed the girl into a spacious room, furnished in the large gay style of the fifties, brilliantly lit, as if for a festival, and warmed by a log fire of generous dimensions.

They heard footsteps in the next room, the door opened, and in came not Luther Davis, but Captain Perez. "Why, Eri!" he exclaimed amazedly. "For the land's sake, Perez! What are you doin' here?" "What are YOU doin' here, I should say. How d'you do, Mr. Hazeltine?" Captain Eri pushed back his "sou'wester," and strolled over to the stove. Ralph followed suit.

"You may make your mind easy on that subject," I said. "For the present, at least, neither your resolution nor mine will be exposed to any further trial. Sir Percival has altered his plans the business of the signature is put off." "Put off?" Laura repeated amazedly. "Who told you so?" "My authority is Count Fosco.

More serious of face, and more slow of action, than he had been, the boy completed his dressing, and came and sat down at the little breakfast-table, with his eyes amazedly directed to her face. 'You see, Charley dear, I have made up my mind that this is the right time for your going away from us.

She stooped once more to pick up something which had fallen out when the cover was jarred open. It was a pink papier-mâché angel, such as are often hung from the top of Christmas trees as a crowning symbol. Norah stood holding it between thumb and finger, staring amazedly. Who would think to find such a bit of frivolity in the house of Miss Terry!

It's twelve o'clock!" she announced amazedly, throwing down her pen, and stretching in her chair. And, in instant confirmation of the fact, a whistle sounded shrilly outside, followed by a dozen more whistles, high and low, constant and intermittent, sharp on the silent noon air.

He reflected bitterly that a fellow never knows when he is well off in this world. Any one of those myriad drunk and disorderlies would have been as balm to him now. He was like a man who has run through a fortune and in poverty eats the bread of regret. Amazedly he recollected that in those happy days he had grumbled at his lot.

He got slowly and amazedly to his feet. "You've got it!" he said. "Ye see?" cried Mike Sheehan, slapping his thigh with a big hand. "On my soul I have the penetration! Ye don't need to tell me one thing except this: I told ye I'd lead ye somewhere; haven't I kept me word?" "Yes," said Joe. "But I have the penetration!" exclaimed Mr. Sheehan.

"It is not necessary," observes my Lady in her coldest manner before he can do anything but breathe amazedly, "to enter into these matters on either side. The girl is a very good girl; I have nothing whatever to say against her, but she is so far insensible to her many advantages and her good fortune that she is in love or supposes she is, poor little fool and unable to appreciate them."

"Not happy!" ejaculated Sah-luma amazedly, "Not happy with ME? ... not happy in MY house, protected by MY patronage? Where then, if not here, could she find happiness?" And his beautiful flashing eyes betokened his entire and naive astonishment at the mere supposition.