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Updated: August 17, 2024

"No, I have not," replied the old inventor, his excitement rising, "but I will tell you now. It was Luther Barr, the " He got no further. "Luther Barr," amazedly echoed the boys, "has he gone into the aeroplane business?" "He has, with the fruits of my industry," exclaimed Mr. Joyce. "Do you know him? I imagine from your expressions that you do?" "Do we know him?" repeated Billy.

But because for many years she had been sealed in reserve to all but Richard, she listened to free speech coming from her lips as amazedly as a man cured of muteness in late life might listen to his own first uncouth noises. So she said none of these things, but murmured, smiling coldly, "Oh, there's a reason.... I'll tell you some time...." The girl was hurt.

When Little John came to the Sheriff he doffed his cap and bent his knee. "God save thee, good master," quoth he. "Why, Reynold Greenleaf!" cried the Sheriff, "whence comest thou and where hast thou been?" "I have been in the forest," answered Little John, speaking amazedly, "and there I saw a sight such as ne'er before man's eyes beheld!

Stupefied and stunned, Sir Roger stared helplessly at this enraged splendour of womanhood, this embodied wrath of royalty. "Madam!" he stammered, "I know nothing save that the King has been sorely stricken by a great sorrow " She looked at him with flashing eyes. "Sorrow for what? for whom?" De Launay gazed at her amazedly; why did she ask of what she knew so well?

"But," asked Brice amazedly, "how can it be prevented? The shippers who lost the money will have to know that it has been recovered." "Why should they? The company will assume the risk, and repay them just the same. It's a great deal better to have the reputation for accepting the responsibility than for the shippers to think that they only get their money through the accident of its recovery."

He grasped Bill's hand firmly, held it, and looked into his eyes. And then, having performed his business, he fell down on his lines. Not a word proceeded from him. He dropped the hand and stared at Bill amazedly and more than that with fear. Bill, too, uttered no word. It was not one of those chatty meetings. But if they were short on words, both Bill and Mr Pickering were long on looks.

Lecount's family?" he inquired. "A respectable family," said Noel Vanstone "that's all I know. Why do you ask?" "I am not usually a betting man," pursued Captain Wragge. "But on this occasion I will lay you any wager you like there is madness in your housekeeper's family." "Madness!" repeated Noel Vanstone, amazedly "Madness!" reiterated the captain, sternly tapping the note with his forefinger.

He stood for a moment staring amazedly at the group around his fireside. Perhaps because he had been so long without his usual stimulant his mind was weakened and things appeared as a strange vision to him.

He swears big at an ordinary, and talks of the court with a sharp accent; neither vouchsafes to name any not honourable, nor those without some term of familiarity, and likes well to see the hearer look upon him amazedly, as if he said, How happy is this man that is so great with great ones!

The children's holiday governess simply did not interest her, that was all, and as for going out of her way to amuse or entertain her, Maud's blue eyes stared amazedly at her mother when one day Mrs. Danvers ventured to suggest that perhaps Maud might take more notice of Miss Carson. "For I really am afraid she is having a very dull time here," said Mrs.

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