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Updated: August 6, 2024

They went all away, and we onely stayed in the place. We followed them to reassure them of their faintings. There was nothing but feasting for 8 dayes. The time now was nigh that we must goe to the rendezvous; this was betwixt a small lake and a medow. Being arrived, most of ours weare allready in their cottages.

For our prouision, heere is some store of Peasen, and Beanes, and Wheate left on the ground by the Indians, who had satisfaction for it. It is vp about knee high aboue ground allready, and wee expect return of 1000. for one, as wee have reason for our hope, from the experience of the yeelde in other parts of this Countrey, as is very credibly related to vs.

Mac. How mean'st thou? Pike. Let my speech breed no offence: I thinke they would prove pulletts. Gyr. Dar'st thou fight With any one of these our Spanish pulletts? Pike. What heart have I to fight when tis beaten flatt To earth with sad afflictions? can a prisoner Glory in playing the Fencer? my life's at stake Allready; can I putt it in for more?

For I was allready wearing my TROUSEAU, having been unable to get any plain every-day garments, and thus frequently obliged to change a tire in a CREPE DE CHINE petticoat, et cetera. I yeilded to the temptation. How could I know that I was sewing my own destruction? Let us, dear reader, pass with brevaty over the next few days.

And he replied by saying that she was big enough allready, which hurt because Jane is plump and will eat starches anyhow. Tommy Gray had improved a great deal since Xmas. He had at that time apeared to long for his head. I said this to Jane, SOTO VOCE, while he was looking at some neckties in a window. "Well, his head is big enough now," she said in a snapish maner.

Pray, heare me: Are you in earnest? Hen. Earnest? Fer. Be advisd. Hen. Lay hold on him, the murtherer of my father: I have armd proofes against him. Man. An armd devill, And that's thy selfe! Produce thy proofes. Hen. I will, sir; But I will doe't by law. Fer. You are up allready Too deepe, I feare, in Law. Hen.

My brother & I, feeing ourselves all out of hopes of our voyage, without our corne, which was allready bestowed, & without any merchandise, or scarce having one knife betwixt us both, so we weare in a great apprehension least that the hurrons should, as they have done often, when the ffathers weare in their country, kill a frenchman.

Whence we humbly Pray the great & Gen'll Court, that if said Nashoby may be sold by the Indians wee may have allowance to buy, or if it be allready, or may be sold to any other Person or Persons, that in the whole of it, it be layed as an Addition to vs the smale Town of Stow, it lying for no other Town but vs for nighness & adjacency, togeither with the great need wee stand of it, & the no want of either or any of the above named Towns.

For this purpose we begin to make provisions for the future end. We are tould that a company of the Aniot nation volontiers was allready in their march to breake heads & so declare open warres. This company finds enough to doe att Mount Royall; ffor the ffrench being carelesse of themselves, working incomparably afarre from their fortifications without the least apprehension.

All your apples I know are ripe allready; 'tis not stealth, I shall rob nobody. Ele. You'le not be a divell? Hen. No, I will but play the man with you: why, you know 'tis nothing. Ele. Will you enforce mine honour? oh, Henrico, Where have you left your goodnesse? sure you cannot Be so ignoble, if you thinke me worthy To be your wife at least, to turne Eleonora Into a whore. Hen.

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