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But even the frigidity of Miss Aldclyffe's morning mood was overcome by the look of sick and blank despair which the carelessly uttered words had produced upon Cytherea's face. She sank back into a chair, and buried her face in her hands. 'Don't be so foolish, said Miss Aldclyffe. 'Come, make the best of it. I cannot upset the fact I have told you of, unfortunately.

Miss Aldclyffe's eyes and thoughts were so intent upon the miniature that she had not been conscious of Cytherea's start of surprise. She went on speaking in a low and abstracted tone. 'Yes, I lost him. She interrupted her words by a short meditation, and went on again. 'I lost him by excess of honesty as regarded my past.

What could be those troubles to which he had alluded? Perhaps Miss Aldclyffe was at the bottom of them. Sad at heart she paced on: her life was bewildering her. On coming into Miss Aldclyffe's presence Cytherea told her of the incident, not without a fear that she would burst into one of her ungovernable fits of temper at learning Cytherea's slight departure from the programme.

Miss Aldclyffe's dressing-room was an apartment which, on a casual survey, conveyed an impression that it was available for almost any purpose save the adornment of the feminine person.

'Now kiss me, she said. Cytherea, upon the whole, was rather discomposed at this change of treatment; and, discomposed or no, her passions were not so impetuous as Miss Aldclyffe's. She could not bring her soul to her lips for a moment, try how she would. 'Come, kiss me, repeated Miss Aldclyffe. Cytherea gave her a very small one, as soft in touch and in sound as the bursting of a bubble.

She fancied Farmer Springrove would have spelt it properly if Edward was his informant, which made Miss Aldclyffe's remark obscure. Women make confidences and then regret them.

Eight names were printed in the report as belonging to Miss Aldclyffe's list, with the amount of subscription-money attached to each. 'I will collect the first four, whilst you do the same with the last four, said Miss Aldclyffe. The names of two tradespeople stood first in Cytherea's share: then came a Miss Hinton: last of all in the printed list was Mr. Springrove the elder.

'If the letter of the law is to be acted up to, said the old man, with more agitation in his voice. 'Yes, exactly. 'Do you know enough of Miss Aldclyffe's mind to give me an idea of how she means to treat me?

Cytherea was an acquisition, and the greeting was hearty. 'Good afternoon! O yes Miss Graye, from Miss Aldclyffe's. I have seen you at church, and I am so glad you have called! Come in. I wonder if I have change enough to pay my subscription. She spoke girlishly.

It was the first time Miss Aldclyffe had seen her in a passionate mood, and wearing that expression which was invariably its concomitant. It was Miss Aldclyffe's turn to start now; and the remark she made was an instance of that sudden change of tone from high-flown invective to the pettiness of curiosity which so often makes women's quarrels ridiculous.