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At one meeting at an inn in Hammersmith she made her appearance without the child, and told the girl it was so ill that it would not live through the night. The news, and fatigue, brought on a fainting-fit.... Miss Aldclyffe's sobs choked her utterance, and she became painfully agitated.

Miss Aldclyffe's carriage at the same moment made its appearance in the drive; but Miss Aldclyffe was not her object now. It was to ascertain to whom the sheep belonged, and to set her surmise at rest one way or the other. She flew downstairs to Mrs. Morris. 'Whose sheep are those in the park, Mrs. Morris? 'Farmer Springrove's. 'What Farmer Springrove is that? she said quickly.

Cytherea involuntarily shaded her eyes with her hand, retreated a step or two, and then she could for the first time see Miss Aldclyffe's face in addition to her outline, lit up by the secondary and softer light that was reflected from the varnished panels of the door. She was not a very young woman, but could boast of much beauty of the majestic autumnal phase.

'Charles from Knapwater House brought it, she said. 'Miss Aldclyffe's writing, said Mr. Springrove, before Edward had recognized it himself. 'Now 'tis all right; she's going to make an offer; she doesn't want the houses there, not she; they are going to make that the way into the park. Edward opened the seal and glanced at the inside. He said, with a supreme effort of self-command

At the appointed time she went to Miss Aldclyffe's room, intending, with the contradictoriness common in people, to perform with pleasure, as a work of supererogation, what as a duty was simply intolerable. Miss Aldclyffe was already out of bed.

Then the butler opened the door, took up the bag, brought it in, and carried it up the staircase to place it on the slab by Miss Aldclyffe's dressing-room door. The whole proceeding had been depicted by sounds. She had a presentiment that her letter was in the bag at last. She thought then in diminishing pulsations of confidence, 'He asks to see me!

Cytherea did as she was told, to escape the punishment of further talk; flung the twining tresses of her long, rich hair over Miss Aldclyffe's shoulders as directed, and the two ceased conversing, making themselves up for sleep.

The name was spelt that way on your boxes: I looked and saw it myself. The enigma of Miss Aldclyffe's mistake was solved. 'O, was it? said Cytherea. 'Ah, I remember Mrs. Jackson, the lodging-house keeper at Budmouth, labelled them. We spell our name G, R, A, Y, E. 'What was your father's trade? Cytherea thought it would be useless to attempt to conceal facts any longer.

The place felt like home to her now; she did not mind the pettiness of her occupation, because Edward evidently did not mind it; and this was Edward's own spot. She found time on her way to Miss Aldclyffe's dressing-room to hurriedly glide out by a side door, and look for a moment at the unconscious sheep bearing the friendly initials.

Even Miss Aldclyffe's dignity had not sufficient power to postpone the absorbing desire she now felt to settle the strange suspicion that had entered her head. 'You spell your name the common way, G, R, E, Y, don't you? she said, with assumed indifference. 'No, said Cytherea, poised on the side of her foot, and still looking into the flame. 'Yes, surely?