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She came down, opened the front door, and went out. She looked around to realize the night. It was dark, mournful, and quiet. Then she stood still. From the moment that Manston had requested her absence, a strong and burning desire had prevailed in her to know the subject of Miss Aldclyffe's conversation with him. Simple curiosity was not entirely what inspired her.

Miss Aldclyffe's tenderness towards Cytherea, between the hours of her irascibility, increased till it became no less than doting fondness. Like Nature in the tropics, with her hurricanes and the subsequent luxuriant vegetation effacing their ravages, Miss Aldclyffe compensated for her outbursts by excess of generosity afterwards.

She looked at him furtively, long, and sadly, as after speaking he became lost in thought, his eyes listlessly tracing the pattern of the carpet. 'Yes, yes, she will be mine, he whispered, careless of Cytherea Aldclyffe's presence. At last he raised his eyes inquiringly. 'I will do my best, AEneas, she answered. Talibus incusat.

It was Miss Aldclyffe's custom, a custom originated by her father, and nourished by her own exclusiveness, to unlock the post-bag herself every morning, instead of allowing the duty to devolve on the butler, as was the case in most of the neighbouring county families.

'My dressing-gown, she said, quietly fastening her night-dress as she spoke. Cytherea came forward with it. Miss Aldclyffe did not turn her head, but looked inquiringly at her maid in the glass. 'You saw what I wear on my neck, I suppose? she said to Cytherea's reflected face. 'Yes, madam, I did, said Cytherea to Miss Aldclyffe's reflected face.

Cytherea imagined that her father's image was still warmly cherished in Miss Aldclyffe's heart, and was thankful that she herself had not been betrayed into announcing that she knew many particulars of this page of her father's history, and the chief one, the lady's unaccountable renunciation of him.

The matter was Miss Aldclyffe's mention of the young man as Cytherea's lover, which, indeed, had scarcely ever been absent from his thoughts. 'But for the existence of my wife that man might have been my rival, he pondered, following the porter, who had now come back to him, into the luggage-room.

Nyttleton called, bringing the whole number of replies to the advertisement. Cytherea was present at the interview, by Miss Aldclyffe's request either from whim or design. Ten additional letters were the result of the second week's insertion, making fifty-five in all. Miss Aldclyffe looked them over as before. One was signed 'Now, then, Mr.

It is an almost universal habit with people, when leaving a bank, to be carefully adjusting their pockets if they have been receiving money; if they have been paying it in, their hands swing laxly. The steward had in all likelihood been taking money possibly on Miss Aldclyffe's account that was continual with him.

If she wasn't of a bad stock at the outset she was bad in the planten, and if she wasn't bad in the planten, she was bad in the growen, and if not in the growen, she's made bad by what she's gone through since. 'But I have another reason for knowing it idn' hers, said Mrs. Leat. 'Ah! I know whose it is then Miss Aldclyffe's, upon my song!