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Updated: August 6, 2024

After that, he seemed more pleased with the finery than all the rest of the party together. Ailwin glanced scornfully upon it, as if she had disapproved from the beginning its being touched; and Oliver and Mildred looked grave. So very much pleased was Geordie with the gay waistcoat, that Roger took him into his arms, that he might be able to stroke it, and play with the silver flowers.

Look at the little speck of a hillock, where neighbour Gool's house was. We could not see that this morning, I am sure. And if you will come down, you will find that there is scarcely any water in the upper rooms now. Geordie might play at paddling there, as he is so fond of doing in his tub. Ailwin thinks we might sleep there to-night, if we could only get everything dried."

Mildred poured water upon the gravel by degrees; and it was astonishing how much purer and better it came out of the tub than it went into the basket. When the tub was full, Ailwin heated some of the water presently over her large fire, and made a warm bath for the child.

Ailwin muttered that she did not believe a word of it; but her altered manner towards Roger at the moment, and ever after, showed that she did. "He asked us all manner of questions about the Levels," continued Roger: "I mean about the things that lie in the moss. He did not seem to care about the settlers and the crops, otherwise than in the way of business.

"I can't leave him there, standing dripping wet, with the cow and the pony." "Would it be of any use if I were to go with you, and say it was all my fault?" asked Mildred, trembling. "No, no; you must not go." "I would go, if there was no water between, and if Mildred would take care of the baby," said Ailwin. "Oh do, do go! You are so strong!" said both the children.

One is Father Ailwin, our priest, and my old master who bides here with Oswin, whom I prayed to stay with us also growing old peacefully; and the other is Elfric the abbot, my friend ever, and now Cnut's best adviser.

Before doing so, however, he started back, and asked Ailwin why the baby's eyes looked so strangely. They were half closed, and seemed like neither sleep nor waking. Ailwin sat down on the mattress, and took him into her arms, while Mildred ran to call Oliver. The poor child stretched himself stiff across Ailwin's knees, and then breathed no more.

Ailwin had observed that this never happened but when the Redfurns were in the neighbourhood; and she had always insisted upon it that they had bewitched the cow. Oliver knew that she would say so now. He said so much, and said it so seriously, about the necessity of milk for little George, that he thought not even a Redfurn could have the heart to drink up all the milk.

He started, and said they must not be idle any longer. Just then Ailwin called from the stairs, "I say, Oliver, the cow is alive. I heard her low, I'm certain." "I am afraid it was only George," said Mildred. "He was lowing like the cow, a minute ago." "That might be because he heard the real cow," cried Oliver, with new hope. "I had rather save the cow than anything.

There was hope still, he felt great hope: but he must keep it from Mildred, who was in no condition to bear the disappointment of such a hope. He doubted whether Ailwin could control her tongue and her countenance, while possessed of such news. It would be hard not to be able to tell any one of what so filled his thoughts; and he resolved to see first what state Roger was in.

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