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"Since I have known this man," said the actress, half aloud, "since his dark eyes have fascinated me, I am no longer the same. I long to escape from myself, to glide with the sunbeam over the hill-tops; to become something that is not of earth. Is it, indeed, that he is a sorcerer, as I have heard?

Try to get that now. All ready, Miss St. Clair we're waiting for you, Miss St. Clair!" I'd watched this actress the second time her tears was spoiled and her expression didn't fit a loving mother's face one bit.

Though he had seen a little of the rehearsals, he had not yet acquired any notion of Cleo's abilities, for she had been busy directing and criticising, simply reading her part as a "fill-in." He had all along taken it for granted that she must be a great actress. At his most despondent moments he had never doubted that, simply because it had never occurred to him to doubt it.

The announcement in the papers of the day, that "Mademoiselle Mars would wear all her diamonds," never failed to stimulate the sale of tickets on all such occasions. As it may interest our readers to know what treasures an actress of 1828 possessed, we copy from the catalogue of her effects a few items.

Well, women are the most troublesome, and I believe in many cases, the wickedest creatures on the face of God's earth." "You shut up. Men who don't get on with women always abuse them; you are soured since Miss , the actress, jilted you." "If you ever dare mention that subject, I will never speak to you again. You know I don't break my word." "Why do you interfere in my affairs?

"She is an accomplished actress," he said to himself; "and to the very last her policy has been defiance. And now my dream is ended, and I awake to a blank, joyless life. A strange fatality seems to have attended Sir Oswald Eversleigh and the inheritors of his wealth.

"Why," I cried, "what kind of a girl could cut up like that when she was on the very edge of discovery?" "A very smart girl an actress; a good one; a clever thief who's used to bluffing. Of course," he added softly, "you won't misunderstand me. I'm simply suggesting the different kinds of girl that could have done what you did. But, if you don't mind, I'll do the questioning.

A few days ago, at Saint Germain, I heard some of the courtiers speak in terms of high praise of Herode's troupe, and what they said made me determine to go and see one of their representations without delay, while my heart beat high with a new hope for they especially lauded a young actress, called Isabelle; whose graceful, modest, high-bred air they declared to be irresistible, and her acting everything that could be desired adding that she was as virtuous as she was beautiful, and that the boldest libertines respected her immaculate purity.

The dying actress whose life had been vicious said: "The scene closes. Draw the curtain." Generally the tragedy comes first, and the farce afterward; but in her life it was first the farce of a useless life, and then the tragedy of a wretched eternity. Compare the life and death of such an one with that of some Christian aunt that was once a blessing to your household.

The younger Margrave of Anspach was also in love with her. This son is called the Chevalier d'Orleans. The other, who is now about eighteen years old, is an Abbe; he is the son of La Florence, a dancer at the Opera House. The daughter is by Desmarets, the actress.